Caeli Concept is an intriguing musical project that defies convention. Drawing from a diverse array of influences, they seamlessly blend the fluidity of progressive rock with the darkness of progressive metal and even venture into funk and jazz-rock territories. Their refusal to be confined by boundaries is evident, resulting in a captivating and dynamic sound. Their debut album, The Dark Playground, took listeners on an unconventional journey, brimming with energy, intricate compositions, virtuosity, and unexpected textures. Now, with their latest release, Lunaison, Caeli Concept has further honed their identity. Fearlessly exploring uncharted waters, they remain committed to serving the essence of music. Lunaison exudes a unique alchemy. Imagine atmospheric passages intertwining with a robust rhythm section, searing brass, and an unexpected vocal arsenal. As you listen, you’ll find yourself propelled into the heart of the celestial vault, the intensity of the musical voyage guaranteed. It’s an album tailor-made for live performances, inviting audiences to immerse themselves fully in its cosmic soundscape. |