Trinity Lutheran Church July 2024

Newsletter Archive

July 2024

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ


The Lion's Roar

Amos 3:8
"The lion has roared; who will not fear? 
The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

"Then Pilate said to him, “So you are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate said to him, “What is truth?” (John 18:37-38)


Do you ever become weary of two sides of a situation screaming at the other that they are lying? That seems to be the go-to defense when one cannot win an argument based on facts. We just assassinate the other person’s character. In debate, it called an ad hominem argument, and it is considered in very poor taste. Ad hominem is Latin for “to the man.” Since one cannot win the argument based on facts, he will attack the person instead by calling him names or saying anything to cause the audience to doubt him. There was a time when this kind of behavior was considered contemptable. Today, it is a common and generally accepted.

True story: There was a teacher whom many of the students did not like. They found him unfair and uncaring. When their homework was late, he refused it and they got a zero. When the time for class came, he locked the classroom door and late arrivals could not enter and received a zero for the day plus a zero on the quiz because there was a quiz on the readings every day. The students whined to their parents and of course the parents ran right to the administration, and demanded that this terrible teacher be fired. But, while his classroom management might have been a little strict, there was nothing that was a fireable offense. So, the students hatched a plan. Several of the young ladies began to tell tales of how this teacher stared at them, looked down their blouses and generally made them uncomfortable. The rumors snowballed and spread throughout the community and soon the teacher, who had taught for 30 years, retired in disgrace, and moved away from the community. It came out years later that this was all a lie because he was a difficult teacher and the kids didn’t like him. Parents, the administration and many in the community were more than happy to believe that he had done something wrong rather than face the truth that their children were spoiled, rotten, little liars.

Facts matter. Opinions really don’t. For all kinds of reasons, you may like someone better than someone else. You might prefer to spend your free time reading or maybe you prefer to exercise. You might prefer chocolate over strawberry. None of it matters because its just an opinion. Facts matter and how one FEELS about the facts does NOT matter. When I made a bad grade on an exam, I did not feel good about that grade. I might have felt angry if I thought the questions were unfair. I might have felt ashamed that I didn’t study more. But how I felt did not change the FACT that I had made a bad grade. I had to face the consequences of that bad grade and develop a plan for rectifying it or at least avoiding doing it again.

I encourage you to pay attention only to facts. Don’t let others lead you down a spurious path of emotions and feelings. Focus on the facts. If Pilate had been focused on the facts, he would never have asked that silly question, “what is truth?” Truth is the fact, not feelings and emotions attached to the fact. Jesus had healed the lame, given sight to the blind and even raised the dead. Those are facts. The Pharisees feared him. They were afraid that he was going to undo their system of sacrifice and thereby put them out of business. So, they stirred up the crowds with fear and propaganda. The crowds yelled “Crucify Him!” They had no facts. Only fear and ad hominem attacks.  Before you make decisions about who to believe and what truth to stand behind, make sure you are making those decisions based only on facts, not fear, not supposition, not feelings, only facts. That is the Godly truth.


Golf Outing

August 10, 2024
Tee Times Begin at 1 PM @ Sugar Creek Golf Course
Dinner 5 pm @ Trinity Center
Please join us for golf, dinner or both. Registration and sponsorship forms are located in the Narthex. We encourage non-golfers to join us for dinner.
The outing is a great way to invite friends and neighbors to come and enjoy fun and fellowship at Trinity.
Sign up by August 2nd. Any questions please contact Bob Rundgren at
Sponsors are needed - Please consider asking local businesses you frequent to support Trinity through event sponsorship.
Registration Form
Sponsorship Letter
Sponsorship Form

Pastor Rogers Ordination

Anniversary Celebration

On Sunday, June 30th, Trinity celebrated the 34th anniversary of Pastor Roger's ordination.  After the 8 a.m. service, Bert Dale said a few words congratulating the Pastor and read a portion of a letter received from Bishop Ritt.  Thanks to Jamie Golz and Carol Edwards for helping with the coffee hour - there was a great turnout and all enjoyed the treats and sweets available.  Afterward, many stayed for the lesson provided by Mary Stahlke on J.S. Bach.

Third Thursdays

July 18th and August 15th 

7 PM in the Prayer Garden

Back by Popular Demand! Third Thursdays are back this month. If you did not make it last year, don't worry you have another chance.
Join Us in the Prayer Garden on the Third Thursday of the Month Each Month of Summer! Bring a chair, bring a snack, a game, an instrument. We will be enjoying the beauty of our prayer garden (our new Turquoise Table) and each other's company. This is a family-friendly activity. All are welcome.

Music and Worship

REFERENCE BOOK FOR TRINITY’S BANNERS has been developed by Jenny Swensen. This valuable resource includes multiple photos of Trinity’s banners, which are organized by their placement in the church year. Jenny is making several identical copies of this notebook to facilitate its usage by
multiple people at Trinity. Both Jenny and Cindy Meier have also been hard at work displaying Trinity’s existing banners and finding/making new ones. Thank you! If you are interested in assisting with this ministry, please contact the church office.

ST JOHN PASSION will be featured in the adult education hour (9:15 am) for four Sundays starting June 30. Throughout 2024, this masterpiece is being celebrated throughout the world for its three hundredth
birthday; J. S. Bach composed it in 1724 shortly after beginning his new job as Kantor in Leipzig. The St. John Passion is especially dramatic in recounting the events of Holy Week and also includes several
hymns that are familiar to Lutheran congregations today. Please join us in the Trinity Center to learn more about this important musical work from the Lutheran heritage.


This quarter's bills to sponsor are Fire/Elevator Compliance and Insurance Premiums (approx. $1,500/mo). This year's Insurance premiums had a recent rate increase, and we are trying to work out a new plan. In the meantime, please consider sponsoring one of these bills above & beyond your normal giving. Sponsor-a-Bill contributions help keep our budget on track & reduce the need for end-of-year pleas to meet the budget.

Worship Services

Saturdays 4:30 pm

Sundays 8 am & 10:30 am

Save the Date 

July 21-27 Summer Servant Event in North Carolina – Current 8-12 Graders

August 15 - Third Thursday

More Information

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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