Trinity Lutheran Church April 2024

Newsletter Archive

April 2024

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ


The Lion's Roar

Amos 3:8
"The lion has roared; who will not fear? 
The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

 “All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything.”  1 Corinthians 6:12

On Being Dominated by Addiction

We live in a society in which being dominated by anyone or anything is seen as a great wrong.  All authority is questioned lest one be dominated by “the man.” A woman who allows her husband to be the head of the household is called weak because she lets a man dominate her. But, in the midst of this society, people are allowing themselves to be dominated by all manner of things. St. Paul points out that everything is lawful for us because we are no longer under the law. Jesus fulfilled the law for us so the law cannot accuse us, bind us, or guilt us. We are literally free to do whatever we want. We cannot be dominated. So why would a person who has been freed from everything, sell himself back into slavery?

That is exactly what so many people do.  They allow themselves to be dominated by all manner of addictions. Now we know that addiction is an illness, but what of it? All illness is a product of sin and we fight against all illness to the best of our ability. Satan uses addiction to dominate God’s children. Whether it is alcohol, food, narcotics, shopping, pornography, or any other addiction, every addiction dominates you. You begin designing your life around your addiction.  I’ll only go here if I can participate in my addiction. I’ll only hang out with people who also have my addiction. I’ll seek out people who will excuse my addiction and never call me to account for my behavior. On top of that, our society excuses and rewards some addictions! The body positivity movement insists that morbidly obese people are fine because every body is beautiful. It’s not a question of beauty. It’s a question of health. Your body was not meant to carry around that much weight and will start to break down. Addiction to food that leads to morbid obesity and diabetes violates several commandments – 1, 5, and 7 at least. Likewise, in some cities, drug addiction is facilitated by clinics that hand out fresh needles and free heroine so that addicts don’t have to beg and steal for their drugs and so that they don’t get HIV or Hepatitis from sharing needles. Why? Why would society facilitate addiction? I think this is Satan’s grand scheme. If he can get it accepted by the majority that there is nothing bad, then what is to encourage us to choose the good? If all sex is good, why limit oneself to one person and why should it be a member of the opposite sex? If all bodies are beautiful, then why not eat as much ice cream as I want? If drug addiction is just an illness, then I should be provided with what my body needs. We are allowing people to be dominated by substances, by ideas and by base desires and we are excusing the addicted as though we are helping them. But we are only helping them destroy themselves and follow Satan merrily down his path away from Godliness.

We saw a time when men dominated women because women were physically smaller and weaker. That was sin and by and large, we have moved past that time, at least in this country. We saw a time when human beings dominated other human beings because of their culture, race, or religion. That too was sin and we are still working to stop that evil. But too many people in our world are still being dominated by various substances and ideas that lead to the destruction of their lives and their bodies and we must work just as hard to stop this as we do to stop sexism and racism. We are completely free, but that does not mean that there aren't many things in this world that will harm us if we take our eyes off Jesus.


Congratulations  Confirmands

God's Blessings on our 2024 Confirmands Lorelai Hazel Emily May and Hank Wyatt Pavlovsky who were confirmed Palm Sunday.

Youth News

Sunday, April 14 @ 12:30 Dart Tournament We're running the concession stand and earning money for our trip to New Orleans for the 2025 National Youth Gathering.
Wednesday, April 24 @ 6:00 Family Dinner Details in the newsletter
Tuesdays in May @ 3:30 - 5:30 THE PROJECTS for junior high youth. 5th graders are invited!
Friday, May 31 @ 7:00 Parent's Night Out   You won't want to miss this!


April 6th

9 am - noon

TCNS is hosting an Open House April 6th 

TCNS is now hiring!!!!!

Our Christian pre-school is seeking part-time Lead pre school teachers. Classes age range from 2-5. We are hiring for our 2024-2025 school year. The hours are 8:30am-12:30pm. Candidates should be DCFS lead qualified. TCNS is looking for a fun and loving teacher with strong organizational and leadership skills to join our team. If you are interested or know of anyone who is interested please email us at 

Dorcas Meeting

The ladies of Dorcas met April 2nd and learned to craft a rose from a napkin. 

All ladies of the church are welcome at the monthly Dorcas meetings which occur on the first Tuesday of the month. 


Stewardship Corner

Whose Is It Anyway?

If you have every bought or sold a house, you are acquainted with the concept of a “title search.” Before you can sell your house, and before anyone else will feel comfortable putting down the money to buy it, you have to prove that you really own it. So a title company looks through the public records to ensure that you bought it from the person who really owned it, who bought it from the person who really owned it before that, all the way back to the earliest records of your state, including when your state was only a territory or colony of England.

Peak into a preschool classroom during playtime and you’ll see a simplified version of this. A child starts playing with a ball, but another child says, “That’s mine: I had it first.”

You can’t understand the Seventh Commandment without understanding this concept of ownership or title. As the Small Catechism puts it:

You shall not steal. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor’s money or possessions, or get them in any dishonest way, but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income.

Your neighbor’s possessions are his: you don’t have a right to take them. And likewise, your possessions are yours. Ownership and property rights are foundational to any functioning society.

But there is something deeper to know about ownership, and that is the question of who has the title and ownership to you? Paul says, “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:19–20).

If you yourself are owned by God, then of course everything that you own, you really only possess by God’s leave: all of it, at bottom, belongs to Him since you belong to Him. For you were bought with the blood of Christ.

This notion is the foundation of all Christian stewardship. It all belongs to God. It should all be used for things that bring honor to His name, blessings to our neighbors and the extension of His kingdom.


This quarter's bills to sponsor are Fire/Elevator Compliance and Insurance Premiums
(approx. $1,500/mo). This year's Insurance premiums had a recent rate increase, and we are trying to work out a new plan. In the meantime, please consider sponsoring one of these bills above & beyond your normal giving. Sponsor-a-Bill contributions help keep our budget on track & reduce the need for end-of-year pleas to meet the budget.

Wednesday Fellowship Group

Wednesday, April 17th - 11am
Trinity Center

Join us for a potluck! Sign up sheet is located on the Narthex next to the Ushers Closet.

Voice of Care Spiritual Respite Companion Care Workshops

Embark on a journey of spiritual support and care by joining Voice of Care in collaboration with Lutheran Congregations. If you know of a family with someone living with special needs, seeking Christian fellowship, spiritual growth, and a sense of belonging, our workshops are designed to meet those needs. For more information, contact Dennis Pieper, Director of Ministry Facilitators 708-759-4954 or Register at

April 20th Trinity Lutheran Church Lisle, 12:30pm to 4:30pm snacks

April 27th Trinity Lutheran Church Roselle, 10:00am to 2:30pm w/lunch

May 4th Immanuel Lutheran Church, Des Plaines, 10:00am to 2:30pm w/lunch

Worship Services

Saturdays 4:30 pm

Sundays 8 am & 10:30 am

Save the Date 

June 20 - Third Thursday

July 18 - Third Thursday

July 21-27 Summer Servant Event in North Carolina – Current 8-12 Graders

August 15 - Third Thursday

More Information

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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