Trinity Lutheran Newsletter October 2023

Newsletter Archive

October 2023

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ


The Lion's Roar

Amos 3:8
"The lion has roared; who will not fear? 
The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

“…but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect…” 1 Peter 3:15

Depression and Liberalism

If you missed it, the September Lutheran Witness is all on Apologetics. That is, defending the faith you have.  Peter tells us to always be prepared to make a defense of our faith.  The whole issue looks at the defense of various faith positions and that such defense is necessary so that people hear an accurate and truthful witness of Christ as He reveals himself in Holy Scripture.

One of the interesting pieces in this issue talks about the fact that teenage girls who have a liberal world view tend to suffer from more depression than teenage girls with a conservative world view.  The leftist folks try to defend this by suggesting that this is because the conservatives are so mean to these liberal young ladies.  However, we know from Scripture and common sense that children reared without solid parameters struggle mightily in life.  In “The Strong-Willed Child,” James Dobson likens a strong-willed child to a night watchman who walks through the town at night and tries all the doors.  He is not hoping that he will find one unlocked. He is hoping that everything will be locked up tight. A child is similar. She wants to know that all the parameters are secure so that she feels safe. If she finds walls down and doors unlocked, it causes her to fear and sometimes panic. Who’s in charge?

A child raised with a conservative, traditional world view tends to feel safer and more protected. Even when they wander off into the dangerous lands from time to time, they know what is right and what is wrong and as the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6,

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” In general, children reared with strict (but not harsh) parameters feel safer and less depressed. The liberal left often thinks they are helping children by allowing them to explore everything for themselves and make all their own decisions but this is daunting and scary for a child.  A child cannot fathom some of the silliness that goes on with asking what gender they are or whether they prefer Christianity or Buddhism. A child is not able to comprehend such questions so they begin to feel ill-at-ease and eventually depressed.

Imagine when you were getting ready to start Middle School if your parents had told you that you can go if you want and you can go wherever you want but that it was all up to you to decide and discover where you’re going and how you’re getting there.  No parent in his right mind would do that to a child getting ready to enter Middle School and yet, this same child is being taught by some leftist people to question what gender they are, what their religious views might be, whether or not they agree with traditional morals, whether they should eat meat or not, and many other things that children of that age have no capability of deciding.  I’m reminded of a 13-year-old youth who loudly professed that she was vegetarian. She professed this while she was eating chicken nuggets. When the strange juxtaposition was pointed out to her she said, “yeah but chicken nuggets are different.”

It turns out that chicken nuggets are meat, no matter what you tell yourself, just like you are either born male or female no matter what you tell yourself.  Encouraging children to call black white and white black does not help them. It only further confuses them and hurts them. Don’t be afraid to lay down God’s law. God’s parameters help us to live a joyful, God-pleasing life. We will not get it right every time and that is what repentance and forgiveness is for, but without any rules, depression looms ahead of us and sooner or later we will break without God’s Law to strengthen us.


Music News


Please consider joining the choir for the 2023-2024 school year. We have a new rehearsal time
—7:00 pm on Thursdays—which might make it easier for you to attend. It is not necessary to
read music to sing in the choir; you just need a love of singing.
The first rehearsal was Thursday, October 5, but if you couldn't attend the first rehearsal, it’s still ok to join later. You could also consider attending for a few weeks before Christmas or Easter, if that is music that you especially enjoy singing.


Join us on Friday, October 6, to experience the peace and joy of Taize music in a large
reverberant church with over 800 attendees worshiping. Meet at Trinity at 6:15 pm to carpool to
Ascension Church in Oak Park for the 7:30 service (if we arrive early, the prelude music at 7:00
is beautiful). Please RSVP to Mary Stahlke 708-552-1271 or


Many people have helped out this summer with music filing and similar tasks. But I want to
extend a special thank you to Art Biladeau and Jenny Swensen for going the extra mile. Much
appreciated to all who have assisted!

Bible Study

Trinity Center at 9:15 a.m.

October 1 -29

John Brust will be leading the adult Bible Study in the Trinity Center. John has studied Luther and the Reformation for many years and will be teaching us many things about the founder of our denomination and his times. 

Women's Bible Study

2nd and Fourth Mondays

Beginning October 9th

All women are invited to join! Please call Deb Thompson for more information. 630-217-1625


PLEASE SUPPORT TCNS DOUBLE GOODS POPCORN FUNDRAISER! Everything thing is done right online and delivered right to your door. The fundraiser starts on 10/07/23 starting time 5:15pm and ends 10/11/23 at 5:15pm, go to . Thanks for supporting us!

Wednesday Fellowship Group

October 18, 11 am

Trinity Center

Please join us for a Potluck (immediately following Pastor Allyn's bible study). Look for the sign up sheet in the Narthex on the WFG bulletin board. Also, if we have enough interest, we would like to plan an outing to the Bavarian Lodge located in Lisle for our November luncheon. Please let Donna Heuser or Deb Long, if interested. Thank you!


Dorcas Guild

At the October meeting, Deaconess Lori Trinche presented information on Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries which is a Recognized Service Organization of LCMS and serves single, pregnant women and their unborn children.

They are opening a new Christ-centered maternity home in East Dundee this year and are in need of your support both prayerfully and financially. More information can be found at

At the November 7th Dorcas Guild meeting, we will be working on dolls that will be donated to the home.

All Saint's Day Memorials

If you would like a memorial to be included in the Sunday, November
5th All Saints Day bulletin; please forward your donation to the church office by Monday, October 30th.

Memorials can be dropped in the collection plate or put in the Secretary’s mailbox. Please mark your envelope: “All Saints Day Memorial”.

Diners Club

Sunday , October 22nd, 3 pm.

Give us a try!!!! A board is in the narthex to sign up. If you have questions about Diners Club, contact Bert & Bonnie Dale at or 630-484-5732 (Cell) for more information. Everyone is welcome and we would love to see some new faces.


Diners Club

Sunday , October 22nd, 3 pm.

Give us a try!!!! A board is in the narthex to sign up. If you have questions about Diners Club, contact Bert & Bonnie Dale at or 630-484-5732 (Cell) for more information. Everyone is welcome and we would love to see some new faces.

Worship Services 

Saturdays 4:30 pm

Sundays 8 am & 10:30 am

Staffed nursery at both services

Bible Study After the 8:00 am Service

More Information

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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