Trinity Lutheran Newsletter September 2023

Newsletter Archive

September 2023

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ


The Lion's Roar

Amos 3:8
"The lion has roared; who will not fear? 
The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

“The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17b

Luther’s Legacy

This year, on October 31st, we celebrate the 506th anniversary of the Reformation. In honor of that, we have John Brust, a Luther Scholar who masquerades as a funeral home owner in his spare time, will join us for the 5 weeks of October to teach us about Luther and the Reformation in the Trinity Center during the education hour at 9:15 am on Sundays.

Luther is a phenomenally important person for many reasons. He literally changed the way the world looked and things that far surpassed the realm of pure theology.  Luther advocated that classical education with a Biblical basis is the best way to educate children. This is an idea that is sweeping the LCMS now with several of our largest schools becoming “classical education schools.” He challenged the idea that any human being was the “vicar of Christ” on earth. Thus, the absolute supremacy of the pope was challenged for the first time in hundreds of years. He translated the Scriptures so that common people could read the Bible. Before Luther, you could only read the Bible if you read Latin. He wrote the Small Catechism so that parents would have a manual with which to train their children. He brilliantly challenged many ways of thinking that people had come to accept without comparing it to what Scripture said.

Perhaps his most important contribution was the understanding of vocation. People of that day believed that you were somehow more holy if you became a priest, a monk, or a nun. But Luther showed from Scripture how all Christians can serve God in whatever place He has put them. There is nothing more holy about being a priest as opposed to a welder, a librarian, or a physician. No matter what your calling is, your primary calling is “Child of God.”  When St. Paul says that the righteous shall live by faith, he does not mean that the righteous live in the church, praying all day. He means that those people who have been made righteous by Holy Baptism will live that righteousness out in their daily lives wherever God has put them. In fact, the non-clergy person is far more likely to be able to witness their faith, show their righteousness and proclaim salvation in ways and to people that surpass the abilities of clergymen. Living by faith is the life of a Christian. How else would we live having been washed in the blood of the lamb?

I hope you all will come to Bible Class in October to hear John.  Even if you are not a regular Sunday Bible Class attendee, this would be a great time to come and learn not only about Martin Luther but about the influence he has had on the Church and the world in general.



Choir Rehearsals Beginning

Please consider joining the choir for the 2023-2024 school year.  We have a new rehearsal time—7:00 p.m. on Thursdays—which might make it easier for you to attend.  It is not necessary to read music to sing in the choir; you just need a love of singing.  Here’s the upcoming schedule:


We will do run-outs for caroling on three Thursdays (September 7, 14, 21).

Please call Mary Stahlke (708-552-1271) for exact details, including time. 

We are tailoring the visits to the needs of the members that we visit.


Kickoff Potluck Dinner

Thursday, September 28, 7:00 p.m. in the Prayer Garden

Followed at 8:00 p.m. by a hymn sing (and favorite anthems) in the sanctuary


First Rehearsal

Thursday, October 5, 7:00 pm in the church balcony

St Matthew Passion

Trinity Center at 9:15 a.m.

Sept 3 & 10

Join us to learn more about this masterpiece by Johann Sebastian Bach, specifically Jesus' time in the Garden of Gethsemane. This work is an important contribution to sacred music that comes out of our own Lutheran tradition. For more info, contact Mary (708-552-1271

The Projects

September 19, 26, October 3 & 10

4:00 - 6:00 p.m.

The Projects after-school program for middle school kids will be meeting again this fall. We'll focus on making care packages for people with cancer as well as other projects in our kitchen, craft room, and workshop. If you know of any junior high kids who are looking for something meaningful to do after school,  tell them about The Projects! Also, we always welcome new mentors who like working with middle school youth. Contact Judy Bruschuk if you're interested in being a part of The Projects. 630-220-6364 or

Memorial Brick Dedication

Sunday, September 10th
8:00 am & 10:30 am worship services


Rally Day

September 10

9:15 a.m. - Meet in the Trinity Center

10:15 a.m. - Pick up children - 2nd Floor Classroom

Get ready for a new year of Sunday School! We will kick things off on Rally Day. We can’t wait to see everyone!

Everyone involved in Trinity Christian Education (Teachers, Bible Study Leaders, Youth Leaders, TCNS Teachers):

On Sep 10th, we will recognize the kick-off of the next education year as part of Rally Day. Asking that you attend either the 8:00 am or 10:30 am services and participate in the Installation Service by the Pastor.

A Place to Rest Your Soul

2nd & 4th Tuesdays

7-8 pm

Trinity Center

Chassy Datoli is holding a group for moms: a time for mothers (of children of all ages) to come together to connect about the joys and struggles of
parenthood. No children please. Questions can be directed to Chassy at 630-386-0326.

Jim Van Ewyk Memorial

Golf Outing

DATE CHANGED TO September 23, 2023

This year we will be supporting (1) Adult
Christian Care in Elmhurst, (2) Trinity Lutheran Preschool in Villa Park, & (3) various local needs in the community. We need sponsors! Please grab a copy of the Pastor's letter & the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Also, if your company matches donations, consider making a donation & asking them to match. 

Golf Outing & dinner is $55. Dinner only is $15. Direct any questions to Margaret.


Save the Date

Sundays in October - 9:15 am - Trinity Center - Luther and the Reformation

Worship Services 

Saturdays 4:30 pm

Sundays 8 am & 10:30 am

Staffed nursery at both services

Bible Study After the 8:00 am Service

More Information

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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