Trinity Lutheran Newsletter July 2023

Newsletter Archive

July 2023

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ


The Lion's Roar

Amos 3:8
"The lion has roared; who will not fear? 
The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?”

The Eighth Commandment

You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

What does this mean?

 We should fear and love God so that we do not tell lies about our neighbor, betray him, slander him, or hurt his reputation, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain everything in the kindest possible way.

Trigger Warning

I was just reading an article by a homiletics (how to preach) professor from one of the ELCA seminaries. Apparently, students are now advised to announce in their sermons when there is going to be a potential trigger for anyone listening.  Apparently, we have to be aware that people may have experienced trauma in their lives, and things that we preach about might “trigger” feelings of helplessness, fear, rage, etc. attached to that trauma.  The author of the article rightly suggests that when one encounters trauma in life, perhaps it is better to do whatever work one needs to do with a therapist or a pastor to resolve that trauma instead of expecting that the topic should never come up. 

Trigger warnings are just a new step in the evolution of a self-centered society where people truly believe that they are at the center of the universe and whatever they think has to be right because it is their experience.  What if you’re wrong?  That is the question I frequently ask people who wish to argue about the doctrines taught in the Scriptures. Has it occurred to you that you might be wrong? God was patently clear about everything in the Bible so when you decide that you would like to believe something different, I believe that it is irresponsible of me to allow you to wander down that path that leads to destruction without at least a verbal warning.  If you do, say, think anything that is contrary to the Bible, that is sin. We all sin.  None of us are capable of getting through a day without sinning. That’s why we have Holy Absolution and the Lord’s Supper. But to argue in FAVOR of your sin and lead others into that sin is abominable. That is the highway to Hell.  That, we must counter no matter what because it is faith damaging and ultimately damnable.

The 8th Commandment is at issue here.  Because we have allowed people for decades to believe that whatever they think up must be right, we now have to find ways to correct them while still keeping the 8th Commandment. At the heart of the commandment is judging motives.  I cannot see your heart so I cannot say why you believe something or do something. All I can do is see your actions or hear your words and reply to them.  If you say, for instance, “I think all people find their way to heaven whether that is through Allah or God or meditation,” I have to respond to that. That is a faith-damaging heresy that leads people to trust in someone besides Jesus when we know that Jesus says that He is the ONLY way to the Father.  But how do I address that? Do I condemn the speaker as a heretic bound for Hell? Do I say something like, “Well obviously, you know nothing about the Bible if you believe that?” Or do I follow the 8th Commandment and seek to guard and protect their reputation while giving them the opportunity to learn and grow?  Perhaps I could ask them to tell me more about what they believe about salvation and how it happened. Perhaps I could ask them if there is any particular Scripture that guides them in this belief that all people find their way to Heaven.  Above all, we have to learn again to talk with one another about difficult topics without resorting to name-calling and anger. 

Jesus has given us all truth in the Holy Scriptures. Some people have been led into falsehood and need to be rescued, but unless we build a relationship with them, they will never take the line we throw them.  I always strive to preserve the relationship even if that means I have to move 100 times more slowly than I would like.  Never feel inept. The Holy Spirit is with you but you will have to remove your ego from the equation so that your ego does not outshine the Holy Spirit. I am not the center of this equation.  The truth of God’s Word matters and that person’s soul matters. I am called to do and say whatever I can to gently lead that person to the truth for the good of their soul.


Voice of Carefest

10 am - 1 pm

July 15, 2023, at St. Paul Lutheran Church - 
7621 S Dorchester Ave, Chicago, IL 60619

August 19, 2023, St. Peter Lutheran Church –
202 E Schaumburg Rd, Schaumburg, IL 60194

Celebrate people of all abilities at Voice of CareFEST! 

These FREE family-friendly celebrations feature a complimentary Chick-Fil-A picnic lunch, inclusive games, and activities while promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual care for people with disabilities and their caregivers. It’s all FREE, but please register online at Questions? Contact or 630.231.3862.

Jim Van Ewyk Memorial

Golf Outing

DATE CHANGED TO September 23, 2023

This year we will be supporting (1) Adult
Christian Care in Elmhurst, (2) Trinity Lutheran Preschool in Villa Park, & (3) various local needs in the community. We need sponsors! Please grab a copy of the Pastor's letter & the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Also, if your company matches donations, consider making a donation & asking them to match. 

Golf Outing & dinner is $55. Dinner only is $15. Direct any questions to Margaret.


Third Thursdays

Thursday, July 20, 7 pm

Thursday, August 17, 7 pm

It was very chilly for June's Third Thursday but I am certain July and August will bring the summer weather. Join Us in the Prayer Garden on the Third Thursday.

Bring a chair, bring a snack, a game, an instrument. We will be enjoying the beauty of our prayer garden and each other's company.

This is a family-friendly activity. All are welcome.


Third Thursdays

Thursday, July 20, 7 pm

Thursday, August 17, 7 pm

It was very chilly for June's Third Thursday but I am certain July and August will bring the summer weather. Join Us in the Prayer Garden on the Third Thursday.

Bring a chair, bring a snack, a game, an instrument. We will be enjoying the beauty of our prayer garden and each other's company.

This is a family-friendly activity. All are welcome.

Stewardship Corner

Go … Sell All You Have?

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?” asked the rich young ruler. Jesus said, “You know the commandments.” And he replied, “All these I have kept from my youth.” And Jesus said to him, “One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Luke 18:18–22).

When we hear this story, this question comes to mind: is Jesus speaking to us also, or only to the rich young ruler? In other words, is Jesus telling us to sell all that we have and give it to the poor?

As good Lutherans, we answer, “No!” But why? Why should we not sell all that we have and distribute it to the poor? The simplest explanation is this: if we sold everything we have, our wife and our children would be neglected. In other words, to sell everything we have and give it to the poor would ignore, even abandon, those whom God has placed in our care. Our money, everything we have, is not to be used solely for the church. But that doesn’t excuse us from using our money for the purpose God intends.

Everyone has three stations in life, three spheres in which we live, and are to be of service to our neighbors. These stations are the church, the family, and society. We are members of all three of these by birth. We are born into the church by water and the Word of God, and our duties to others in the church arise from our Baptism into the church. We are born into a family, and our duties to others stem from our birth into that family. Finally, we are born into society, which is simply a further extension of our birth into our family. The duties we have toward other members of society come from either our own birth or the birth of others into the same society.

All that we have and all that we are ought to be pressed into service for the church, the family, and society. If we were to sell all we have and give only to one, the other two would be neglected, and we would falter in fulfilling our duties.

So, consider your life and all that you have in light of these three stations. You pay taxes to support and help those in society. You save for college for your children and provide food, clothing, and shelter for the members of your family.

But the station that is usually thought of last is the church. Since the needs of the family and society are more immediate, the church is often given what is left over. This is not how it should be. Rather, we are to give of our first fruits, from off the top, the best, even as Abel gave the best of his flock.

This requires forethought. It means that you sit down and make a plan of what you will give from the beginning. It means sticking to it even when it seems that there are other more immediate and pressing things.

And this is all the more necessary now as we enter into periods of time where giving is low due to high unemployment or where restrictions on meeting in church limit opportunities to give. If we love God and His gifts of forgiveness given through the means of grace, which we receive at church and only at church, then we will support it, just as we love our country and our family. For all that we have and all that we are is given to us by our gracious God. He spared no expense for us and our salvation. He gave up His Son to death so that our sins are forgiven, and we will live. What’s more, He provides for all that we need for this body and life. And our lives in this world, among these three spheres of church, family, and society are to mirror the generosity of the one who gave us life in all three at birth.

Don’t let the church, your divine family, be an afterthought or even ignored. It is nurturing you, bringing you up in salvation through Word and Sacrament.

– LCMS Stewardship Ministry:

Worship Services

Our regular church service schedule remains the same for summer. 

Saturdays 4:30 pm

Sundays 8 am & 10:30 am

Staffed nursery at both services

Bible Study After the 8:00 am Service

More Information

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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