Trinity Lutheran Church April 2022 Newsletter

Newsletter Archive

April 2022

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ


The Lion's Roar

Amos 3:8
"The lion has roared; who will not fear? 
The Lord GOD has spoken; who can but prophesy?”
13 Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution,[a] whether it be to the emperor[b] as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. 15 For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. 16 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants[c] of God. 17 Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. 1 Peter 2:13-17

Honor: Where it all starts

Many of you are aware that I am a new Chaplain for the Villa Park Police Department.  What that means is that I go into the station a few times a month, interact with the officers, am available to help with traumatic situations, and make death notifications.  I have had the opportunity to ride with a couple of our officers and first off, let me say that I am highly impressed with the character of our officers in Villa Park.  I’m sure this is reflective of the tremendous leadership we had in our police department from the previous Chief Lay and that we have now with the current Chief Rivas, but it is also part of who the officers are as men and women who seek to serve God by serving their community. 

One of the ongoing concerns I hear voiced among the officers is their shock at how some of the youth of the community speak to them and interact with them.  I heard about one incident in which the parent of the youth was by far ruder and more vulgar than the child and that reminded me of something from my years as a school pastor.  Children learn how to treat authority from the adults in their lives.  How do you talk about the police in front of children? How do you talk about elected officials?  Do you refer to President Biden? Do you call him President Biden or do you call him by his last name only, or an even a less respectful name?  When speaking of our legislators and judges, how do you refer to them?  People listen to how we speak and words matter

When Peter is talking to his people, he warns them to “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution.” Why? “For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.” Speaking respectfully of and to our police officers puts to silence the ignorance of foolish people.  Speaking respectfully of and to our elected officials puts to silence the ignorance of foolish people. It is ignorant and foolish to be disrespectful to the people God has put in place to guard and protect you.  Now of course we know that none of them are any more perfect than we are, but even when we disagree with them, even when they are wrong, we are respectful and honor the office into which God has placed them.

Honoring authority, the 4th Commandment, starts at home.  Children pay attention to how their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles talk about teachers, police officers, mayors, and presidents.  They learn at a very young age whether to honor people in authority or try to tear them down.  They learn whether people in authority are to be viewed as friend or foe.  They learn whether God is in control of the world and all these people are called to serve Him by helping and protecting them, or if they are the center of the universe and all these people are getting in the way of doing whatever pleases them.

How we think about authority says a great deal about our faith in God.  If we believe that God is in complete control, we also believe that he will use authority to help us.  Maybe we don’t always see it right away but we have confidence that all things will be turned for the good of those who love God.  If we believe that God is not in complete control, then we panic and struggle because we are afraid that we won’t cover all the bases and something will go awry. Teach the children that God is in control. It gives them peace and security and the certain knowledge that nothing in this unpredictable world is beyond the reach of our God. Beyond that, it gives them confidence and joy in authority figures, knowing that God is in control of them as well. This helps to put a stop to the foolish ignorance that helps no one. 


Lent & Easter Services

Palm Sunday 

  • April 10
  • 8:00 am - Worship
  • 9:00 am - Coffee Hour to Welcome New Confirmands
  • 10:30 am - Worship

Maundy Thursday

  • April 14
  • 7 pm Service

Good Friday

  • April 15
  • 12 pm Service
  • 7 pm Service

Easter Sunday

  • April 17 
  • 8:00 am - Worship
  • 10:30 am - Worship 

Easter Flowers: If you wish to order Easter Flowers, contact the church office.

Board of Human Care News

Holy Trinity Ukrainian in Bensenville (the church that Grace was supporting) will continue a collection in support of family and friends in Ukraine. They will accept gently used clean clothes (nothing torn, faded, or stained) along with medical supplies. Clothing bins will remain in the Narthex for the time being. 

Trinity Lutheran church Villa Park previously donated the items pictured as well as many bags of clothing to Grace Lutheran church in Bensenville for the Ukrainian church clothing/medical supplies collection.

A big thank you to Bill Bennin for the many years of service transporting Trinity's food donations to the Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry. Bill has decided to step away, so we are looking for another volunteer(s) to load up and transport food donations to the Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry located at 155 S. Main Street in Lombard once or twice a month. If interested, please contact the Board of Human Care.



LWML IS COLLECTING items to make personal hygiene kits for the upcoming Pittsburgh English District LWML convention. The items include: shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, hand sanitizer, lip balm and tissue packages. We wish to thank our Monday morning knitting group who donated the washcloths and soap. There is a box in the narthex. We will be collecting until Easter Sunday. Thank you for
supporting our missions.



Welcome to our New Members

Make sure to introduce yourself to: Barbara & Harold Cazaubon, Mike & Geri Diciolla, Sue Galick, Rhonda and Dan Halpin, Ron Nordman, Tony, Heather, Roy, & Hank Pavlovsky, Art & Kathy Remus, Jenny Swensen, and
Scott, Celina, Gianna, Mariella, Lucas, and Alycia Wiegel.


Confirmation Class Plans Worship Service

On March 25, the Trinity Confirmation students planned the service (which is available to view on our webpage/youtube or facebook)
At 10:30 service, the confirmation students served as lay readers and performed with puppets. They also chose the hymns. Judy Bruschuk and Pastor Rogers provided valuable drama suggestions, and Judy helped the students assemble props.
The LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) donated the money for Trinity’s new puppet theater, which Clare Billing, Greg Billing, and Deb Thompson assembled. 

Lenten Post Card Challenge

Grab a postcard/s from the Narthex, write a note, say a prayer for the recipient(s), & drop in the mail. You never know who will be touched by prayer! Our goal is for each household to receive a postcard before Easter.

Stewardship corner

Blessed Shall You Be

“Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your herds and the young of your flock. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.” (Deuteronomy 28:3-6)


This is God’s promise to the Israelites as they stood beyond the Jordan outside of the Promised Land. He promises blessing to His people. He will make them prosper, whether they are in the city or the field. He will make their fruit of their work to prosper, whether from the ground, their wombs, their flocks, or their herds. He will make them to prosper in all things, whether upon their coming in or their going out.


But there’s a catch. He would do this for Israel only “if you obey the voice of the LORD your God.” (Deut. 28:2b) If they did that, He would cause that “all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you.” (Deut. 28:2a). If they didn’t obey the voice of the Lord, if they didn’t keep the commandments of the Lord and “walk in his ways” (Deut. 28:9), they would be met with curse and woe. The blessings would be replaced with curses. Everything that the Lord promised to prosper and bless would be cursed and fail.


Thanks be to God that our Lord Jesus Christ has come into our flesh and fulfilled the law for us – in our place and for our benefit. Our Lord Jesus Christ died for us – in our place and for our benefit. Our Lord Jesus Christ is risen from the dead for us – in our place and for our benefit. By this we have justification before God. We are forgiven, clean, holy, and righteous. The blessing of God is promised to us in Christ Jesus. It depends upon his work, not ours.


All this is ours in Holy Baptism. For in Holy Baptism, God claims us as His own, makes us His children, His heirs, and His holy people. And so it is that the work of our hands and its fruit is holy because we are holy in Christ. It is pressed into His service, and it thereby becomes a blessing to us and to our neighbor.


For this great gift, our reception of the blessings of God because of Christ Jesus our Lord, it is our duty to thank and praise, serve, and obey Him. This is not in order to receive the blessings but because in Christ we already have. With this in mind, we sit down on the first day of the week and set aside as He has prospered us to give to His church for His work of blessing in our midst (1 Cor. 16:2).  LCMS Stewardship Ministry

Event Volunteers Needed

Anyone interested in helping out with a table at the Villa Park Summerfest on June 18th, please contact Marna Rundgren. We would like to have a table to promote Trinity.

4th of July - It appears the parade will return this year and anyone interested in helping promote Trinity through this event, please let Marna Rundgren know.

Election of Board of Directors

The following Directors are up for election:  Lay Ministry, Christian Ed, Stewardship, Asst. Director, Parish Fellowship.  Anyone interested in serving as a director, please contact Scott Golz or any of the current directors.

The June Congregation Meeting is June 12 at 11:45 and the slate will be approved at that meeting.

Save the Date

May 14th

Men's Beef & Bourbon Night

June 12, 2022, 7:30 PM

Rooted in Christ, the 2022 English District Virtual Gala 


June 13-17, 2022, 9-12 noon.

Vacation Bible School


Worship Services

Saturdays 4:30 pm

Sundays 8 am & 10:30 am

More Information

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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