Close the Gap/Build the Future & 1% Spiritual ChallengeTEAM TRINITY! WE NEED YOUR HELP! The end of this unusual year is fast approaching and with many people keeping physically-distant, our whole Trinity Family hasn’t been able to gather together in one room. But that does not mean that our spiritual growth has slowed down! Just look at what is going on here!
Trinity has 3 worship services, multiple small group Bible studies, and multi-generational Bible studies available for personal Christian education. We have so many active groups and missions it is difficult to name them all. Here is but a brief review of our blessings: the Quilters, the Flying Hooks and Needles Group, Youth Group, Growing in Prayer Prayer Group, Operation Barnabas Support Group. Not to mention an amazing music program led by Mary Stahlke. We support financially and with prayer our adopt-a-students including Trinity's own Jackson Scofield , the 1+1+1 Dollar for Missions and the Naumann's Missions in the Dominican Republic. We also contribute to local donations for pantries and shelters. Soon we hope to be able to offer our preschool classes and The Projects to children and youth in our communities and we look forward to the time when we can re-open The Trinity Coffee Center.
Trinity continued worshipping together and online during Lent and we will do so again for Advent.
Our spiritual stewardship has been phenomenal and God has blessed us beyond our dreams. No one imagined that we would actually thrive during this time! Obviously, this all takes funding and while our spiritual stewardship has been amazing, our offerings have been a little more sparse during the virus so let’s take some time to rally together to fix that so that we can continue spreading Christian love to our families and our community. This is your opportunity to put your amazing faith to work!
CHALLENGE: Our fundraiser goal is $10,000. If every one of the 268 members on this FB page were to simply donate only $10, we could raise $2,680. Imagine the impact we could have if we challenge fellow parishioners to donate and pass it on! Imagine the impact we could have if we all asked our family and friends to donate an amount as low as just $1. The results of this outreach can add up quickly as we all pull together in whatever way God has blessed us.
HOW TO GET STARTED: If you are on social media, please share this fundraiser to your pages. Optional: With your Bible or devotion materials in hand, take a picture of yourself with your favorite devotional or Bible verse, or go a step further and video yourself reading today’s devotion. Post the video in the comments so your friends and family can see what you're up to. With these posts, we can help each other get to 1% of our day in prayer, while also fundraising for our end of the year goal!