Trinity Lutheran Church May Newsletter

Newsletter Archive

May 2020

Trinity Lutheran Church

Villa Park, IL

Always Growing in Christ




Trinity's Virtual Schedule


The 8 am Sunday Worship Service is now livestreaming from Facebook, Youtube and Twitch. 

We are encouraging those who are watching on Facebook to "host a watch party" to allow our message to reach even more people.

Also if you are on YouTube, please subscribe to our channel. The more subscribers we have, the more people we can reach.

It can also be found on our website:

Thank you to Scott Golz and Jon Alvarez for pushing this forward. 

We also received a new webcam courtesy of LCEF.


Bible Study

Women's Bible Study Mondays at 7 pm on Zoom. They are studying Psalms. Contact Deb Thompson for the Link

The Book of Job with Pastor Rob Rogers on Facebook Tuesdays at 7 pm

Daughters of the King Young Women's Bible Study Thursdays 7 pm on Zoom. They are studying 1 & 2 Peter.  Contact Lisa Ticaric for the Link



The Choir is hosting a Zoom sing along on Thursdays at 7 pm. It is open to anyone who enjoys singing hymns. Contact Mary Stahlke for more information.




Ways to Give

There are now even more ways to give.

Traditional Giving - Place your offering envelope or cash in the offering plate or mail a check to the church office.
Online Giving


Church Council elections will be held at the June Voter's Meeting.

If you are interested in serving, we are seeking nominees to lead the following boards:

  • Church Properties
  • Parish Fellowship
  • Christian Education
  • Stewardship 

All members are invited to serve on any of our boards so if you are interested in using the gifts God has given you to better our congregation either as a board leader or member, please contact Scott Golz.


Food Pantry News

Trinity donated more than 100 pounds of food so far this year...let's keep it going.

The Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry is in need of the following food items that are not available currently at the food bank: peanut butter, jelly, pasta sauce, canned vegetables, syrup and pancake mix. They suggest you select one or two items and donate in quantity if possible as this makes it easier for them to pack the boxes of shelf-stable foods for the drive through distribution. You can drop off donations to Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry, 155 South Main Street, Lombard IL 60148 on M-W-F mornings 9-11:30am or Wednesday evenings 5-6:45pm 

They also welcome financial donations that can be sent or delivered to the address above. You can also donate online to Northern Illinois Food Bank at and put "Agency Credit 1369A Lombard/Villa Park Food Pantry" in the comments and it will go as credit on their food bank account.

Also, for any families that are in need of food you can receive food on M-W-F mornings 9-11:45 am,  also Wednesdays 5-7 pm AND the 3rd Saturday of the month from 9-11:45 am.

Carillon Singing Again

Thanks to Mike Ticaric for setting up a work around to get our music into the air again! We have received a lot of positive feedback from our neighbors including this lovely message below:

I was so blessed this morning by your church bells! I knew every hymn and was able to sit in my yard and worship along with the birds in chorus. What a great way to start Mothers Day .... I could hear my mother singing along from heaven.

Youth News

Big House/Mentor Class - Pastor Rogers is leading a Zoom class for high school and college students to learn how to be mentors. They meet on Wednesdays at 4:00
Guys' Night - Friday, May 1 was the youth Guys' Night IN. Tate Scofield helped out by delivering pizzas to each of the guys, along with snack bags with drinks, chips, and fresh baked cookies. Chris Gore organized online video game competitions and Pastor Rogers led a devotion entitled "You are F.I.N.E. based on Colossians 3:16
Confirmation plans are on hold for the moment. We decided to wait another week to see if there are any changes to the condition of things before trying to make a decision.  

The Projects

While The Projects is on break during the quarantine we are testing new recipes and creating new ideas for the next session. Our mentors are ready and anxious to begin meeting again. Check our Facebook page for updates and pictures. 

Coffee Corner

The Trinity Center Coffee Shop Men's Group is meeting weekly via Zoom on Thursdays from 9:00 - noon. Please contact Dave Bruschuk or comment on the coffee shop page if you would like to be part of this group. You'll need to provide your own coffee.

Call Your Family

Please reach out to your church family. Especially during this time of shelter-in-place so many of our members would love to know someone is thinking of them. Give them a call, drop them a card or shoot them an email. 

Each month you will receive a newsletter from Trinity in your email.  If you have any upcoming news, events, photos or other information to share, please email Marna Rundgren @

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