It’s #GivingTuesday! Today’s the day to change lives with B4YT!

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Click on any #Giving Tuesday logo to go to the B4YT PayPal donation page!


Celebrating our Global Youth Artists!

This summer, B4 Youth Theatre launched a ten-week community organizing, theatre and filmmaking initiative to provide young people with the performance and filmmaking skills needed to address important global health issues and more through film! Check out Global Youth Artist Courtney and her film: Fighting Hunger One Person at a Time!

For more films and to learn more, check out the initiative website here: @GYACHLTI!


Launch of Jesse the Parrot!

Say hello to Jesse! Jesse is an AI chatbot, a collaboration between B4 Youth Theatre and Forefront created to engage with our audience and garner feedback on our Global Youth Artists films!

To start, please click on the image of the Jesse here! When you arrive at the webpage, click on the picture of Jesse on the bottom right corner and it will begin!

 If you would prefer to access Jesse on Facebook,  please access our Facebook page at then click on the blue "Send Message" button as Jesse operates through Facebook Messenger.

Forefront, launched by TEDx speaker Yulkendy Valdez, is the in-demand career support and chatbot company equiping Gen-Z with the skills, relationships, and coaching they need to thrive - anywhere, anytime!

Click the Forefront logo to learn more!


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