Conquering COVID/Lessons from Liberia webinar series! Join us May 1st @ 10 AM!

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Conquering COVID/Lessons from Liberia webinar series

B4 Youth Theatre (Burning Barriers Building Bridges) has begun a webinar series Conquering COVID/Lessons from Liberia. So far, there have been two awesome sessions: one with our team of theater arts instructors who led Ebola prevention awareness efforts in 2014-15 and a second on harnessing the power of collaboration in times of crisis.

Since COVID requires a heightened form of social distancing, our theatre artists in Liberia have been experimenting with making short awareness videos using their phones. We will be holding a watch party to show some of their recent works in progress (pre-release) and some of their recorded work from Ebola to have a discussion on:

The potential uses for these materials during this global pandemic
(their work is in Liberian English)
How to address local concerns through this medium with a global audience
What is "best practices" public health messaging and how to demonstrate making these practices actionable for communities.
We are aware of and concerned that performing artists who are not trained in film are entering a challenging moment and would love to have public health practitioners and researchers, artists and filmmakers attend the watch party and help us plan/strategize around building the artists capacities to produce better video projects with tight time constraints and limited technology.
Following this introductory watch party, we would like to have a meeting with any interested organizations in the first week of May to help our youth push their work forward. Please see the attached invitation for the Conquering COVID/Lessons from Liberia: Prevention Watch Party Feedback Session.
Register in advance for this meeting by clicking on the button below
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Register Here for the May 1st Watch Party @ 10 AM

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