Blazing Hope Ranch September 2022 Newsletter

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He works justice for those who are pressed down by the world, providing food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are imprisoned; He makes the blind see. He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor; He cherishes those who do what is right. (Psalm 146:7-8)



It is so important to simply step out in faith. God rarely gives us a perfectly clear picture of what He's called us to; it's often later that the picture comes into focus. This helps me be willing to make (and humbly admit!) mistakes as God calls me forward.

Now grab a cup of coffee and find out what we've been up to!


Hootenanny Is September 29th!

This year we are featuring a silent online auction prior to the event! The silent auction is live now at this link. Pictured is a beautiful cuff bracelet based on a painting by artist, Karis Feezell. You can also see more of her work pictured in the Hootenanny logo above.

Speaking of Karis, she will again create an entire painting over the course of the Hootenanny event.


It is completely awesome to watch Karis start with a blank canvas and then end up with a vibrant work of art in just a few hours! Her painting, along with a vacation getaway, will be auctioned off by a live auctioneer.

There are 10 days left before the Hootenanny on 9/29; you can purchase tickets online at this link. See photos from past Hootenannies here.

"A Day In The Life" here at the Ranch will be the theme of our panel discussion. Reply to this email with your questions, even if you can't attend in person.

If you are unable to attend but you want to support the event, you can click here to participate in the online auction, or click here to be taken to our donation page (or you can scroll down and click on the blue "Donate" button). Meanwhile, we are extremely grateful to our three event sponsors:


Horse Mentoring

Only humans, with our free will, can be guilty of sin. We know this as deeply about ourselves as we know that animals are innocent.


But sometimes we can’t believe in the good things about ourselves. Our horses have been helping our residents recognize that they also have worthwhile qualities. For example, we recently asked residents to write qualities they believed to be true of the horse on index cards and put them on the horse. They were surprised to find those same characteristics were also true of themselves. 

This time of mentoring with the horses, scheduled for two hours on Mondays and Fridays, has proved to be very powerful for residents. We praise God for the two faithful volunteers He has brought who work with the horses and residents during this time.


Family Corner

We recently enjoyed a beautiful hike as a family (what a view!). Thanks for your prayers; our kids transitioned very smoothly into "school mode" and they are loving their teachers and classmates.

*Jordyn, who just turned 13, is still active in 4H and is getting experience working on a local farm.

*Dakota, our dancer, is taking a class in Christian Hip Hop/Acro dance.

*Josiah, our martial arts practitioner, just earned his yellow belt in Karate and will now go after his orange belt.

Answered Prayer: Praise God that two volunteers stepped forward to help with our twice-weekly horse mentoring sessions.

Prayer Pardn'rs

Please pray that two more volunteers would step forward to help with the horse mentoring. Volunteers must be female, and must be willing to commit to regular weekly or twice-weekly sessions.

Please pray for one of our residents who is wrestling with whether to continue with the hard work of her healing journey.

Please also pray that we might find a part-time case manager, which will allow us to expand our ministry to more residents. Stay tuned - more about this next month!

Help us in our mission!

Would you be willing to give up one or more coffees each month to support us? Join our "Freedom Wranglers" by clicking on the Donate button to support the important work we do to restore wholeness to female survivors of human trafficking, and to weaken the sex trade through the power of Christ. Your monthly donation of as little as $10 per month can help a resident begin a new life.

Do you have a friend (or friends) who would also be willing to pray for us? If so, please forward this email to them or post this email on your social media account.

Want to read a past newsletter? You can find them all here.

Finally, let us know what you think (and please feel free to unsubscribe using the link below if you don't want future newsletters). We'll look forward to hearing from you!


FBI Rescues 200 people from sex-trafficking, including 84 children.

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