Blazing Hope Ranch May 2022 Newsletter

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He works justice for those who are pressed down by the world, providing food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are imprisoned; He makes the blind see. He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor; He cherishes those who do what is right. (Psalm 146:7-8)



In Matthew 6:28, Jesus instructs his followers not to worry, reminding them how extravagantly the Father dresses even the flowers. I found myself pondering this verse as we navigated a tough time with our family this month: my father-in-law unexpectedly had to have his leg amputated, and my grandmother was recently diagnosed with cancer. And yet, there is beauty all around, even in the darkest of circumstances, as this photo of daisies, taken by a staff member, reminds me.


Now grab a cup of coffee and find out what we've been up to!


How We Structure Our Residents' Days

In an earlier issue, I discussed the importance of introducing balance into the lives of our residents, bringing them down from a state of trauma and stress to a place where they can calmly and assertively live better lives. We do this by emphasizing a different aspect of balance each day of the week. Over the next few months, I’ll take you through each day of a resident’s week, what we focus on that day and why, sharing some examples of how that focus might play out for our residents. As you might imagine, there are Biblical truths underpinning each day’s focus; I’ll delve more deeply into those as well. Meanwhile, here’s a quick overview of each day’s theme:

We start our week on Sunday, with the theme of “Spiritual Health,” focusing on rest, healing and hope. This day is foundational to everything else that we do at the ranch. On Mondays, “Outdoor Day,” we focus on nature and God’s creation. Tuesdays we call “Therapy Day,” dedicated to trauma-focused counseling on site. Wednesdays we have “Physical Health Day,” when we focus on physical well-being, including any doctor's appointments as needed. Thursdays we turn the focus on relationships with “Relational Health Day,” and on Fridays, “Life Skills Day,” we help residents develop the life skills they may lack from having been trafficked. We end the week on Saturday with the theme, “Enjoy Life Day,” giving our residents the opportunity to enjoy new hobbies and experiences.

I pray that you consider approaching your own week with this kind of intentionality to bring better balance and relationship with the Lord into your own life.

Update on our Horses

Because our horses are rescues, we aren't sure how old each horse is. A horse over the age of 20 qualifies as geriatric; we think that Grace, pictured here, is nearly 30 years old. Like some of us who are older, Grace has arthritis in her hip, which is making it painful for her to move around. This, in turn, has made her a bit more anxious, as she can't run away when something scares her.  


As her stewards, we are watching her carefully to make sure that she continues to enjoy good quality of life. Please pray that she remains comfortable as long as possible, and that we will have discernment about her care.


Hootenanny - Mark Your Calendar!

Mark September 29th on your calendar for our annual Hootenanny fundraiser! We're still working out many of the details, which is why you might not see updated information on our website yet, but this link will tell you about past Hootenannys. If you'd like to volunteer (remote volunteers are welcome!), please email our volunteer coordinator, Julianna Barta at

Goings On At The Ranch

As I feared might happen, and as explained in last month's issue, one of our residents has decided to leave the ranch. Please join me in prayer that this woman will find the help and hope that she needs, and that she will not fall back into being trafficked.

Meanwhile, we welcomed a new resident to our ranch at the end of April. Please pray that she will take advantage of this opportunity for healing and restoration at Blazing Hope Ranch.


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Help us in our mission!

We are looking for people who would be willing to be "Hope Ambassadors" for the ranch. While we are still working out the details, you would basically make sure that your church leadership is kept up to date on our ministry. Please contact us or reply to this newsletter if you are interested.

Would you be willing to give up one or more coffees each month to support us financially? Join our "Freedom Wranglers" by clicking on the Donate button to support the important work we do to restore wholeness to female survivors of human trafficking, and to weaken the sex trade through the power of Christ. Your monthly donation of as little as $10 can help a resident begin a new life.


Answered Prayer: Praise God that a new resident found us. We still have one more open spot for another resident. Praise God also that a church stepped forward to sponsor the second Family Night for Camp Run Free! summer camp. Thank you for your prayers!

Prayer Pardn'rs

Would you consider praying for our mission? Please pray that a sponsor for our new resident would step forward. Please also pray that we would find a grant writer. We are looking for grants that would cover the costs of building a pole barn (so that we can work with the horses in the winter months) and completing the prayer garden

Do you have a friend (or friends) who would also be willing to pray for us? If so, please forward this newsletter to them or post this email on your social media account.

Want to read a past newsletter? You can find them all here.

Finally, let us know what you think (and please feel free to unsubscribe using the link below if you don't want future newsletters). We'll look forward to hearing from you!

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