Blazing Hope Ranch April 2022 Newsletter

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He works justice for those who are pressed down by the world, providing food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are imprisoned; He makes the blind see. He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor; He cherishes those who do what is right. (Psalm 146:7-8)



It's easy for me to get so caught up in the day-to-day activities of running the ranch that I can miss what's in front of my face. I  recently got to see our ranch through the eyes of some visitors, who commented on how the cats wanting to be held, the lack of traffic noise and the beautiful scenery all contributed to making our ranch such a healing environment. I pray that you stop for a moment, and either create or find your own healing environment.

Now grab a cup of coffee and find out what we've been up to!


The Fork In The Road

If you’ve been following this newsletter for a while, you might recall that we got two new residents this past November and a third resident shortly thereafter. You might also recall the article in last month’s newsletter about the importance of bringing balance back to the lives of these women who have been so deeply traumatized.

May marks the sixth month since the first two of our residents joined us, a time when they will likely hit a point of decision. It takes the human brain a minimum of six months of physical safety and stability in order to begin processing the deep trauma experienced. A resident can either begin to grapple with the very hard work of recovery, or she can decide that she’s not ready for this hard work and turn aside, leaving the safety–and challenge–of the ranch behind.

We ask that you join us in praying God’s protection over these women, and that they will choose to stay the course and engage in the hard work ahead of them. I have seen God do amazing things for past residents who have chosen to stay. For example, “Sarah,” a previous resident, had been through 16 short-term programs prior to coming to BHR, had a long rap sheet, was generally angry and had no support network.  She has graduated from the ranch and now lives in a little house, has a full-time job, has a support network of friends, has grown closer than ever with the Lord and has been able to lay down the shame she had been carrying for years.

In next month’s issue, I’ll go into a bit of detail on what their work looks like and how we structure it, all within a biblical framework. Stay tuned!

Update on our Horses

We've mentioned Coco in our last couple of issues; you can see those items here and here. Because she likes to throw riders off her back, and because that's not really a kid-friendly way to behave, we're sending her off to a trainer for a month so that she can be ready to participate fully in our Camp Run Free program this summer.  Meanwhile, Prince (pictured to the right) has really come into his own. He used to be terrified of people; now, he lets people approach him and even touch him. One of our residents is quite drawn to Prince. You can read more about him here.



Family Corner

We're in a season of addressing some "growing pains" with our kids. We are looking at getting reconstruction surgery to correct Jordyn's flat feet, and  Josiah now needs braces. But we're also looking forward to Dakota's end-of-semester dance recital and watching Jordyn's chicks grow into mature hens (you can see a picture of one of her chicks in last month's issue).

Want to volunteer remotely?

We are blessed to have Julianna Barta coordinating volunteers for next October's Hootenanny. Meetings are every other Tuesday, and you don't have to be local to participate as a volunteer on this important event! Julianna can be reached at for how you  might best help on the event. The next volunteer meeting is scheduled for May 3rd, 7:30pm Eastern Time (4:30pm Pacific).



Goings On At The Ranch

A group from Bryan College came out and worked on the ranch. They helped us work on the Prayer Garden and set up a walkway.  They kept working even in the rain! Thanks to this wonderful group for partnering with us for several years now.

Sex Trafficking is pandemic-proof. Online recruitment increased significantly during lockdowns.

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Help us in our mission!

Would you be willing to give up one or more coffees each month to support us? Join our "Freedom Wranglers" by clicking on the Donate button to support the important work we do to restore wholeness to female survivors of human trafficking, and to weaken the sex trade through the power of Christ. Your monthly donation of as little as $10 per month can help a resident begin a new life.


Answered Prayer: Praise God for our incredible staff! We finally have all of the coverage we need for our residents, and we thank the Lord for their courage and grace.

Prayer Pardn'rs

Also, we thank God for Cumberland Fellowship for sponsoring a Family Night held at the end of a Camp Run Free week.

Would you consider praying for our mission?

*Please pray for David's and my families. Both of us have family members dealing with serious health issues. 

*Please also pray for our Camp Run Free summer program, which starts June 6th. We are looking for one Family Night sponsor. You can find more information at our website.

Do you have a friend (or friends) who would also be willing to pray for us? If so, please forward this email to them or post this email on your social media account.

Want to read a past newsletter? You can find them all here.

Finally, let us know what you think (and please feel free to unsubscribe using the link below if you don't want future newsletters). We'll look forward to hearing from you!

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