Blazing Hope Ranch March 2022 Newsletter

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He works justice for those who are pressed down by the world, providing food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are imprisoned; He makes the blind see. He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor; He cherishes those who do what is right. (Psalm 146:7-8)



I recently took a hike one morning in the woods, and I happened to turn around and look behind me. I was struck by the sight of a tree that appeared to be floating over the water, it's root system jutting out towards me (see photo below). It's a perspective that was not visible while walking toward the tree. 

We spend so much time running away from the things we don't like. This tree reminded me that a change in perspective is often all that God requires of us when it feels like nothing has budged in our lives. I pray that your perspective opens up this month and allows the Lord to work in your life.


Finding Balance within the Window of Tolerance


We place a high emphasis on helping our residents achieve “balance” in their daily lives. Balance, in our context here at the Ranch, has a very specific meaning and refers to a new model of the “Window of Tolerance” originally developed by Dr. Dan Siegel. This new model has been developed by Abby Wallace, MA, LPC-MHSP, NCC, and focuses on the idea that people can adapt their Window of Tolerance; it is not fixed. 

The average person lives their life in the midrange of the scale of tolerance (3-7 on a 1-10 scale) allowing them to successfully navigate the ups and downs of daily life. Those who have been trafficked or have extreme incidents of trauma, however, spend so much time in the high, intense levels of emotion (8-10 on a 1-10 scale) that they learn to ignore the lower levels altogether. For this reason, our residents find it challenging to learn to live at a mid level  of emotional response and have very little capacity to manage boredom or extra stressors. Their experiences have narrowed their ability to tolerate the kinds of normal difficulties we all experience, making them less resilient when trouble inevitably comes along.

Our goal is to help them move lower within the Window of Tolerance and expand their ability to handle the ups and downs of life that we take for granted. We do that by intentionally adding activities to our programming schedule that increase the experience of new and low emotional response activities. Saturday, for example, is “Enjoy Life” day, in which we schedule activities where the goal is simply to have fun (having fun is one of the things that falls on the lower end of the scale and is not tolerated when one is just trying to survive). We spent a recent Saturday hiking to the waterfall at Fall Creek Falls. On another day, we might go to the Aquarium, or have our residents engage in an arts and crafts project. Developing a relationship with one of our horses also aids in this purpose, since horses require that you be grounded and present when working with them.

I firmly believe that authentic joy in the Lord can only be experienced when we are grounded and present. I’ve seen my own Christian walk get disturbed when I’m higher in the Window of Tolerance. I challenge you to do something today that will move you lower within that window, even if it seems boring or irrelevant. “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

Coco Gets Treated for Injury

We're not sure exactly how it happened, but Coco recently sliced her heel, and we had to call in the vet for treatment. While this is the most serious injury one of our horses has sustained, we praise God that injuries of any kind are rare, and that we have the resources and support to quickly address them. Coco is already well enough to be back to her mentoring duties (described in last month's newsletter)!



Goings on at the Ranch

We're starting a project of growing herbs and vegetables for a vegetable garden on the ranch. This will give our residents an ongoing project they can see to fruition.

Pictured here are seedlings for cabbage, carrots, broccoli, beets, basil, tulips, hyacinth, sweet red peppers, sunflowers, cucumber, cilantro, oregano, parsley, chives, thyme.  Coming soon: lettuce, spinach and kale.

The seedlings don't look like much today, but we'll check in again in this summer to see what bounty God has provided. 

Family Corner

How time flies! Josiah just turned ten; we celebrated with a visit to the trampoline park. Meanwhile, all of our three children are now engaged in skill-building pursuits:  Josiah is learning karate, Dakota is taking ballet lessons, and Jordyn, our oldest, just got some baby hen chicks to care for from 4-H. We're hoping for eggs this summer!


Sex trafficking thrives because of demand. Watch a free documentary on Vimeo focusing on the demand side of sex trafficking.

Watch Video

Help us in our mission!

We are in need of additional support for gas, since the prices have increased so much. An easy way to help is by paying for Visa gift card for us to use when we fill up, or you can simply earmark your donation to us for gas purchases. Click on the "Donate" button below for more information and the address for gift cards.

Would you be willing to give up one or more coffees each month to support us? Join our "Freedom Wranglers" by clicking on the Donate button to support the important work we do to restore wholeness to female survivors of human trafficking, and to weaken the sex trade through the power of Christ. Your monthly donation of as little as $10 per month can help a resident begin a new life.


Answered Prayer:  We continue to receive referrals for women who have been rescued out of sex trafficking and praise God we are able to help some of them on their journey to restoration and wholeness.

Prayer Pardn'rs

Would you consider praying for our mission? Please pray for our Camp Run Free summer day camp program. Weeks must be canceled when there are insufficient volunteers, and we are only three volunteers away from being completely staffed. Please pray that God will work out the logistics if He wants us to host a week of Camp for the Spanish speaking community in our area. Please also pray for discernment as we decide upon a fourth resident for the ranch.

Do you have a friend (or friends) who would also be willing to pray for us? If so, please forward this email to them or post this email on your social media account.

Want to read a past newsletter? You can find them all here.

Finally, let us know what you think (and please feel free to unsubscribe using the link below if you don't want future newsletters). We'll look forward to hearing from you!

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