Blazing Hope Ranch January 2022 Newsletter

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He works justice for those who are pressed down by the world, providing food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are imprisoned; He makes the blind see. He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor; He cherishes those who do what is right. (Psalm 146:7-8)



Happy New Year! Every year I ask the Lord for a word. This year, he placed 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 on my heart, that we should rejoice, pray and give thanks always, even in the face of challenging circumstances. 

Praise God that we added a third resident, but now the hard work of healing begins. I pray that God would help you rejoice daily in the midst of your challenges. Thanks for your prayers.

Now grab a cup of coffee and find out what we've been up to!


David had his birthday on January 3rd, and this is what he got as a birthday present - three inches of snow! You can see more beautiful photos of the ranch on our Instagram page.

How Our Horses Stay Warm

We're fortunate that Tennessee is fairly temperate. However, we watch our horses carefully to make sure that they are not suffering or in any way injured by the cold. As you can see in this photo of Grace, horses can grow a thick winter coat to take them through the season! We also give them extra hay to feed a higher metabolism in colder temperatures.
Here's a picture of our horse, Grace, with her thick winter coat. You can read more about Grace here.


Employee Spotlight: Human Connection and The Lord’s Timing

Emily works as our night mentor. She helps our residents mark each day for what they’ve learned about themselves, things they are thankful for, or perhaps conflicts they need to resolve. She is on call for them through the night.

Like many people during the great Covid lockdown of 2020, Emily had an existential crisis:  she’d just gotten her Master’s degree in social work, but she was working as an InstaCart deliverer. 

 Emily with Chase

After one particularly emotional delivery, she felt the Lord lead her to walk into a nearby rehabilitation facility. Positions were available, and she got hired.

The Lord was not done with Emily. She had already been in touch with me about working on the ranch in some capacity, but she didn’t feel ready. One day she felt a strong leading from the Lord to reach out to me and ask if we still had a place for her; I let her know that we did. I found out later that if she had waited just one day to call me, she would have likely accepted a supervisor role with more pay and responsibility at the rehabilitation facility.

Emily is a big believer that human connection is the vital ingredient to helping people heal. She has learned to connect deeply with our ladies so that they can experience that vital human connection for themselves, through her. We praise God for Emily’s work in their lives.

We're Looking for Summer Help!

Do you have (or know of) a college-age group at your church looking for a fulfilling missions week this summer? No horsemanship skills required. We are looking for three to four groups of young adults to each lead a one-week day camp for children aged 8 to 13. For more information about our "Camp Run Free" day camps, click here. To inquire about your group, click here for more information.


January is Human Trafficking Prevention and Awareness Month. Learn to spot the signs of human trafficking.

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Work for us!

Would you like to have a more direct impact on our mission? We're hiring mentors! We are in particular need of a weekend Mentor, as I am having to fill that role for now. See more details about openings here or by clicking the "Read More" button.

You may also wish to review our Guiding Beliefs.

Help us in our mission!

Would you be willing to give up a couple of coffees each month to support us? Join our "Freedom Wranglers" by clicking on the Donate button to support the important work we do to restore wholeness to female survivors of human trafficking, and to weaken the sex trade through the power of Christ. Your monthly donation of as little as $10 per month can help a resident begin a new life.


Thank you for your prayers! We successfully launched a resident and, praise God, have gained three more.

Please pray that we will quickly fill open positions. I'm taking over as weekend mentor until we are able to hire someone, and this means I'm less available to my family. Please pray for my children as they work through this period.

Prayer Pardn'rs

Please also pray that our three new residents would fully engage with the healing process we offer, and that the right sponsors and donors will step forward to financially support them

Do you have a friend (or friends) who would also be willing to pray for us? If so, please forward this email to them or post it on your social media account.

Want to read a past newsletter? You can find them all here.

Finally, let us know what you think (and please feel free to unsubscribe using the link below if you don't want future newsletters). We'll look forward to hearing from you!

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