Blazing Hope Ranch December Newsletter

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He works justice for those who are pressed down by the world, providing food for those who are hungry. He frees those who are imprisoned; He makes the blind see. He lifts up those whose backs are bent in labor; He cherishes those who do what is right. (Psalm 146:7-8)



As we launch one resident and welcome two new residents (see more below), I've been meditating on this quote from Myles Munroe:  "Your destiny is chosen by God:  your future is certain, whether you arrive there is up to you." Residency at our ranch is a difficult choice - the path to healing is challenging and not everyone chooses to stay the course. But God, our loving father, has already chosen their destinies.

Now grab a cup of coffee and find out what we've been up to!


This is a recent sunrise on the ranch. No snow fall yet, but the trees are bare! As always, visit our Facebook page for the latest updates - and photos, as we post them.


Ranch Improvements and Sponsorships

We recently received a generous donation of this trailer, along with the funds to customize it into a horse trailer for the ranch. 

Another improvement in the works is the ability to sponsor a horse! Several people have indicated interest in sponsoring our horses. If you are interested in learning more, contact us here and we'll keep you updated as we work through the details.

We appreciate the gifts we have received this year in support of our newest residents. Meanwhile, we are still looking for two more residents, and the maintenance of the ranch is ongoing. If you or your church is interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please contact us to discuss. You can also make a year-end gift by clicking the Donate button below (or simply click here.) 

Finally, we're starting to get organized for next year's Hootenanny, scheduled for October of 2022. If you'd like to participate in some way, please either reply to this email or contact us here.

Help Launch Our Resident!

We recently celebrated the launch of one of our residents out of Hope Haven. We have created an Amazon gift list of supplies that can help her get off to a successful start outside of the ranch, such as kitchen utensils, towels and tools. If you would like to help, please choose an item from the list and use the "gift registry" shipping address (Amazon will default to your shipping address, so be sure to change it!)


Meanwhile, consider making Blazing Hope Ranch your charity of choice when you shop at Amazon by using this link.


New Residents at Hope Haven!

We are excited to announce that two new residents have recently joined us at the Ranch! Please pray that these two women would find healing and respite through the programs we provide for them at Hope Haven.

If you would like to be part of their healing journey, consider working on the ranch. Our current Overnight Mentor, Abby, is leaving us in January (and we wish her success on her journey!), and we are looking for someone new in that role. For more information about the position, see the Employment page on our website.

Women pictured are not actual residents; for representation only

Family Corner

Our kids are very involved with the ranch, and we appreciate their help! Here are two of our three kids, working on our final mailing of the year to help raise funds for our new residents. If you'd like to help, please click the "Donate" button below. 


It's not all work for our kids. In addition to a family Christmas outing this season, we'll have a birthday party for Jesus on Christmas day, with a cake and a big meal. I pray that you and your family find ways to honor Christ on the day of his birth.

NEW! National Action Plan to

combat human trafficking.

Read More

Help us in our mission!

Would you be willing to give up one or more coffees each month to support us? Join our "Freedom Wranglers" by clicking on the Donate button to support the important work we do to restore wholeness to female survivors of human trafficking, and to weaken the sex trade through the power of Christ. Your monthly donation of as little as $10 per month can help a resident begin a new life. We also gratefully accept one-time donations.


Praise for answered prayer. Last month we asked for prayer and assistance to sponsor our newly launched resident for a leadership conference, and we thank the Lord that some readers were inspired to help. Thank you!

Prayer Pardn'rs

Would you consider praying for our mission? This month, we ask for prayer for our two new residents as they spend the holidays away from family and friends. Please also pray for our newly launched resident as she navigates the holidays for the first time on her own.

Do you have a friend (or friends) who would also be willing to pray for us? If so, please forward this email to them or post this email on your social media account.

Access our Newsletter archive at this link for past issues.

Finally, let us know what you think (and please feel free to unsubscribe using the link below if you don't want future newsletters). We'll look forward to hearing from you!

© Copyright, 2025, Blazing Hope Ranch • Blazing Hope Ranch

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