August 2023 Newsletter & Calender

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Packages received at the office they need to be picked up in a timely manner; within 2-3 days of being delivered. The mail room has limited space to hold on to packages at length. Do NOT order stuff when you know you will be gone.

If you need a package right away and cannot make it to the office before you close we suggest utilizing an Amazon locker as a drop of location that way the package is more secure and you can pick it up when it is more convenient for you.  

The ranch, and the majority of New River, is listed as “a rural area” with all of the delivery companies. This puts us out of any guarantee of overnight, next day, or 2 day delivery zones.

Do not open your packages at the front counter and leave the boxes for the office staff to clean up.


Propane tank fill is on Mondays only. If you have a tank that needs filled please bring it to the large fill station with your name and site number so that it can be returned after filling.

Message from Cyndi regarding De’Anza Springs Resort

“Yesterday, Monday July 31, notice was given to the members and residents at DeAnza Springs, just outside of San Diego, that the clothing optional park will be making a transition to a textile, or clothing required, park beginning on September 1, 2023.

After just being there this past weekend for AANR West convention, this announcement came as a shock and is extremely disheartening; losing any nudist space always brings about these types of emotions.

Although Shangri La does not have the opportunity to take these residents in we will welcome visitors and members as some of them find us to be their new nudist resort.

The owners at DeAnza are making the decision that they feel is best for their business.

There is already a lot of information, some of it not accurate, circulating around different platforms. Let’s all try and do our best to support those that we can, while being respectful to all parties involved.

If you have direct, questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly, via the office or my email,”


As you know there are 2 ways to view the calendar that is put out every month. The first is by a link included in this letter that goes to the website. The second is via the attached calendar. Both versions are going to be available from now on through the monthly newsletter.

Calendar Link

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