Dear , | Thank you for attending the Grade Teacher Training workshop on "How to help students improve their exam writing skills" with Lidiya Simak on March 23rd, 2023. | We hope that the training session was insightful and that the knowledge and skills you gained from this workshop will benefit your students and enhance their exam writing skills. |
Discover the latest techniques for teaching writing for CAE/CPE | Get hands-on training in the latest classroom techniques for teaching writing for exams with our 9-hour online course "Hacking CAE/CPE Writing". | Throughout the 10 units and the Final test, you will: |
Learn about the various types of writing tested on the CAE/CPE Increase your understanding of the assessment criteria for CAE/CPE exams Enhance your skills in planning and teaching writing lessons, providing feedback, and utilising self- and peer-assessment Tackle the challenges of teaching exam writing
Stay tuned for upcoming events to continue your professional development.