πŸ§‘β€πŸ« Workshop for teachers this Thursday

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Grade Education Centre
Why it didn't work: how to analyse a lesson that didn't go your way

Hey, teachers!πŸ‘‹

We all know the feeling — some days, you’re just unstoppable. Everything you do is a success, and it seems like nothing can go wrong. 

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen every day that we teach, and some days it’s quite the opposite😀

In the workshop "Why it didn't work: how to analyse a lesson that didn't go your way" we will look at several examples of real-life lessons that didn't go their way to:
understand key teaching concepts better
gain a basis for self-reflection
 look back more accurately on our teaching to grow even more


Key takeaways:

πŸ”Έ a better understanding of common problems that hold lessons back
πŸ”Έ practical tips and ideas to prevent or address these issues
πŸ”Έ a simple, practical framework for self-reflection to apply in everyday teaching

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