Greetings to everyone! The program of the conference is finally available at the website. You are welcome to read it in detail at our conference website. And here is an invitation from our speakers: 
Adrian Underhill is going to talk about ‘Integrating Pronunciation into All Class Work’ during the plenary and conduct a workshop ‘Wrong is Right’. Besides, on the next day we are hosting a special training session by Adrian at Grade Education Centre ‘From Phonemes to Poetry: How pronunciation brings language alive!’ (27th October, 2019. Cost of participation: 1,999 UAH ) 
Integrating Pronunciation into All Class Work Unlike grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation is not fully integrated into language learning. In this participatory session I will demonstrate a different approach that focuses on physicality and features the chart as 'body map'. This will include how to reconnect learners with their pronunciation muscles, how to free them from the 'grip' of L1 pronunciation, and how to find new sounds which are not in the mother tongue, and ho to integrate pron in any lesson without special materials. Wrong is Right This workshop proposes a different way of looking at and exploiting mistakes, replacing Correction with Upgrade, which includes correction but without the limitations, and which pushes learners towards their personal best each time. This liberates learners from fears about being wrong, allowing the development of a naturally creative and playful community. I will demonstrate a range of practical techniques. 
Lilia Kardenas at the Teachers' Conference "21 lessons for the 21st century" Bridging Psychology and English Teaching (talk) In an atmosphere conducive to learning, we will look at Speaking activities that will help your students explore their emotional wellbeing, discover and celebrate their life purpose and tap into their creative potential. 
Inna Nestoiter at the Teachers' Conference "21 lessons for the 21st century" Bringing life skills to life! (workshop) The basic concept of teaching Life Skills is simple — that our responsibility as educators is not only to help our students to learn English but also to prepare them for the challenges of life in the 21st Century. This talk will look at why the teaching of Life Skills is so important for teenagers, which Life Skills our students really need in the 21st Century, and, arguably the most important question and the one that concerns teachers the most, how we can actually incorporate the teaching of Life Skills into our day-to-day classes. To this end, the talk will include a variety of practical activities, approaches and teaching materials. Have a good day! |