Trump deserves our help - ASAP!

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Vice President Mike Pence is calling for Republicans to unite behind President Trump's efforts to secure our Southern Border through his national emergency declaration:


President Trump needs our help to keep Republicans united behind him and his National Emergency declaration.  There are two ways you can help:

1)  You can call your U.S. Senator and urge them to vote in support of Trump's National Emergency.  Call (202) 224-3121 to reach your Senator.

2)  You can make a contribution to our campaign to build support for President Trump's Emergency Declaration - JUST CLICK HERE.

If you prefer you can also mail a contribution to our campaign headquarters:

Conservative Campaign Committee

ATTN:  Campaign To Secure Border

P.O. Box 278855

Sacramento, CA 95827

© Copyright, 2018, Conservative Campaign Committee

P.O. Box 278855

Sacramento, CA 95827

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