Ted Cruz's battle for an impressive election victory

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CBS News reported this week saying that the U.S. Senate race is a "moment of truth" for Senator Ted Cruz.

Well, this IS a "moment of truth."  This is a moment of truth to repudiate the lies, deceit and dishonor that has come to define today's Democrat Party.

The Left nominated a Democrat who has cheered on socialism and dishonored our men and women of law enforcement to run against Senator Ted Cruz.  What they failed to realize is that there are still enough great patriots who believe in our Constitution, the Rule of Law and decency to help propel Senator Ted Cruz to victory.

The Left's "Resistance" movement is trying to defeat Senator Cruz, and we must fight back and Defeat Beto O'RourkeYou can support our independent expenditure campaign to Defeat Beto O'Rourke by making a contribution online - HERE.

Since we can't trust the media to tell the truth to Texas voters about Democrat Beto O'Rourke's radical liberal positions, we must communicate that message ourselves through our campaign.

And we're also going to continue to celebrate Ted Cruz's record of fighting for less government regulation, lower taxes, and more personal freedoms and liberties for American families.

We continue to distribute yard signs supporting Ted Cruz throughout Texas:

Above:  Be on the lookout for our banners supporting Ted Cruz in Texas as our teams of conservative activists work on the ground to help win this race and defeat liberal Beto O'Rourke.

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