Latest market news as of May 26, 2023

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Читати українською

📌The Rada Committee on Energy and Housing and Communal Services held a discussion of the draft Law №9011-d

On Wednesday, May 24, the Committee held a public discussion of the draft Law on Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Restoration and Green Transformation of the Energy System of Ukraine (9011-d) in preparation for its second reading.

During the discussion, EUEA director Kateryna Polyakova noted that it is important to develop a regulatory framework for the rapid restoration of renewable energy generating facilities without losing the green tariff and limiting the terms of restoration and linking to the causes of damage. Kateryna also emphasized that the legislation on guarantees of origin with the requirements of the Energy Community regional platform and the EU Directive 2018/2001.

Based on the results of the discussion, the Associations jointly prepared a letter outlining  proposals and amendments, addressing the issues of the sector and sent them to the Committee. The letter covered topics such as: the balancing group of the Guaranteed buyer and the problem of imbalances; guarantees of origin of electricity from RES; exit/entry from/to the Balancing group of the Guaranteed buyer of producers at the "green" tariff, transition to a new incentive system; reconstruction and overhaul of RES facilities.

The letter is attached.

Thanks, IMEPOWER team for your prompt and high-quality work!

Discussion record.

Comparison table.

📊 Guaranteed Buyer's settlement before the RES

As of May 22, the level of payments to RES producers since the beginning of 2023 is almost 60%, for April payments for electricity amounted to 56.3%, for the first 10 days of May - 49.9%. The total debt of NPC "Ukrenergo" for services in the part of renewable energy sources amounts to UAH 18.2 billion. Details.

👉🏻According to the NEURC meeting results, the Commission decided:

- postponed consideration of the issue of approving the Amendments to the License Conditions for Conducting Business Activities for the Performance of Market Operator Functions. The decision concerns the designation of the Market Operator as a nominated market operator (NEMO) in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) №2015/1222 on establishing guidelines for capacity allocation and congestion management. Details.

- approved the Amendments to the Distribution Systems Code, details.

- adopted a resolution on setting tariffs for electricity distribution services (with the application of stimulating regulation and according to the "Cost+" methodology), details;

- approved the amount of the cost of the service to ensure an increase in the share of electricity production from RES provided by universal service providers in April 2023.

🤝 Ukraine and Germany launch a joint project to equip critical infrastructure facilities with renewable energy sources

Within the framework of the project "Renewable energy sources for a sustainable Ukraine - R2U" worth about 2 million euros, up to 20 communities will be selected, in which they will conduct an energy audit of buildings of critical infrastructure for further equipping them with RES. This is the first stage of the implementation of the agreements signed in Kyiv by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko and the Vice-Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Robert Habek to deepen the German-Ukrainian energy partnership with an emphasis on the "green" recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine's energy industry. Details.

♻️Investments in clean "green" technologies are our priority - Yaroslav Demchenkov

Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yaroslav Demchenkov held a meeting with Adam Amberg, head of the reform department of the Embassy of Sweden in Ukraine. The parties discussed directions for further cooperation between the countries. The deputy minister also noted Sweden's experience in creating market conditions for the energy sector, in particular RES, development of networks and balancing capacities. These technologies are extremely interesting and useful for Ukraine in modern conditions. Separately, Yaroslav Demchenkov focused on the medium-term perspective of the development of the energy sector after Ukraine's victory. Details.

👥Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum discusses progress and green energy

The meeting of the Parliamentary Plenum of the Energy Community, held on May 23, was an important gathering of delegates from various countries, including Ukraine. The main topic of the meeting is the implementation of the goals until 2030 and the discussion of the European Green Deal and the Fit for 55 Package. Attention was focused on the development of green energy in Ukraine and the creation of a single European energy market. Cooperation and dialogue between the participants have contributed to the energy development of the region. Details.

⚡️ Ukraine has stopped exporting electricity on May 24th

Ukraine has stopped exporting electricity to other countries due to the need to cover its own consumption, Ukrenergo reported on May 24th. For the coming days, the proposed capacity for export in all directions is 0 MW. The lack of exports from Ukraine is related to the need to cover Ukraine's internal consumption needs throughout the day, as well as to ensure reserves for the evening hours of maximum consumption.

"We expect that perhaps from the weekend or next week, we will review the balance sheet and perhaps exports will resume in certain limited volumes," Kudrytskyi said on Wednesday.

Exports were last carried out in small volumes on May 22 - 400 MWh each to Moldova and Poland. From May 1 to May 15, Ukraine exported 30.7 thousand MWh. of electricity - 21.8 MWh in Moldova, 8.9 MWh - in Poland. Source.

✅ The development of green energy during the war: the new DTEK WPP in the south of Ukraine is already operational

The DTEK company, which is a member of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA), announced the launch of a new wind power plant (WPP) in the south of Ukraine. A representative of the EUEA together with colleagues from other RES associations attended the official opening and congratulated the DTEK team on the first commissioning of the wind farm built during the war.

The first phase of the Tyligul wind farm, located 100 km from the territory of the Mykolayiv region occupied by the russian army, has already started producing clean electricity. 19 turbines with an installed capacity of 114 MW of WPP generate to 390 thousand kWh of electricity per year. Details.

☀️Investments in solar energy may exceed oil investments this year

The International Energy Agency (IEA) expects that this year, for the first time, investors will put more money into solar energy than into oil production. As Bloomberg reports, the IEA found that more than $1.7 trillion will be invested in various clean energy technologies this year, compared to about $1 trillion in fossil fuel supply and traditional electricity generation. Clean energy spending is set to grow 24% this year, compared to 15% growth in fossil fuel investment.



Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.


Acciona, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK Renewables, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape Ukraine, Fichtner, Goldbeck Solar, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, Green Future, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, NOTUS Energy, Scatec Solar,  Sfera, Sumitomo, SPP Development Ukraine, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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