Latest market news as of May 05, 2023

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Читати українською

✔️ The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading the draft law №9011-d on the green transformation of the energy industry

On May 2, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the first reading draft law 9011-d “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Restoration and Green Transformation of the Energy System of Ukraine”. As mentioned by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Energy and Housing, Andriy Herus, the draft law is a revised committee version of draft laws 9011, 9011-1, 9011-2, 9012, 9012-1 and 9213.The draft law will be introduced for the second reading in 2 weeks after the vote. EUEA experts are now analyzing the Draft Law and preparing their recommendations.  Details.

🔥EUEA RES market review: market news and settlements review, April 2023

Stay informed on the latest news in the Ukrainian renewable energy sector with the EUEA review for April 2023. This review covers important topics such as payments to RES producers by the Guaranteed Buyer, price dynamics of DAM and IDM, changes in electricity imports and exports, and major industry updates for the month of April.


✔️ The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050

The document reflects the goals of the Green Deal and is based on the principles of an integrated approach to the formation and implementation of energy policy, creating conditions for the sustainable development of Ukraine's economy, the Ministry of Energy notes. The Strategy includes:

  • the consequences of the war of russia against Ukraine, strengthening the role of energy security and strengthening the stability of the energy system;
  • joining the IPS of Ukraine to the ENTSO-E and deepening the integration of Ukraine's energy system into the European one;
  • availability of the latest technologies (hydrogen production, SMRs, energy storage facilities, etc.), technical changes in the energy sector, global trends and innovative solutions, environmental safety requirements in accordance with EU regulations and international obligations of Ukraine;
  • decentralization of electricity generation throughout the country to increase the stability and reliability of energy supply.

The strategy envisages Ukraine achieving carbon neutrality in the energy sector by 2050

👥  According to the results of the NEURC meeting, the Commission:

- Made changes to Resolution №352 of March 26, 2022 regarding temporary changes to the technical parameters of customers' electrical installations. Details.

- Adjusted the amount of the cost of the service for ensuring the increase in the share of RES electicity production, provided by Guaranteed Buyer in January - May, July, October 2021 and in February - June 2022. Details.

- Approved changes to the Market Rules. Details.

👉🏻 Joint committee hearings were held on the topic "Development of production of alternative energy sources, namely biomethane, hydrogen, other synthetic gases and bioethanol"

The GTS Operator of Ukraine is already ready to provide biomethane transportation services. Currently, more than 10 companies have applied to GTSOU, which are considering the construction of the 31st biomethane plant with a capacity of 225 million cubic meters per year, GTSOU noted during committee hearings. In addition, SAEE head Hanna Zamazeyeva expressed the agency's support for strengthening the development of bioenergy and emphasized the importance of unblocking the export of biomethane.

Video recording.

✍🏻The President signed the Law on the Creation of the State Fund for Decarbonization and Energy-Efficient Transformation

The corresponding Draft Law №8433 was developed by MPs with the participation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and SAEE teams and was approved by the Parliament on April 11, 2023. Thanks to the Fund, Ukraine will have a reliable, legally protected source of funds for implementing energy efficiency programs, reducing CO2 emissions, and supporting alternative energy sources. Details. 

🤝Ukraine and Denmark will deepen cooperation for the development of wind energy - the ministers signed the Agreement

The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Public Utilities of Denmark signed an Agreement expanding energy partnership in the field of wind generation. The parties undertook to promote the further development of the energy partnership. The partner countries will work on creating new capacities and attracting investments in joint wind energy projects. As Deputy Minister of Energy Yaroslav Demchenkov noted, offshore generation in the future in the context of hydrogen production is already being studied. Odesa region may have great potential in this area. Details.

⚡️"Ukrenergo" together with the Polish operator PSE launched an updated transmission line for electricity export to Poland

"The interstate power transmission line means additional reliability of the Ukrainian energy system as part of the European energy network," Ukrenergo notes. Ukrenergo specified that the total length of the modernized line reaches almost 400 km, and more than 70% of it passes through the territory of Ukraine. Total cost the project amounted to ₴350 million. Polish partners provided some of the necessary equipment free of charge. Details.

👉🏻"Ukrhydroenergo" will export electricity to Moldova from May

The Moldovan state company Energocom signed a contract with the Ukrainian "Ukrhydroenergo" for the supply of 30,000 MWh of electricity in May 2023. It is noted that the price of $66/MWh was agreed in March for half a year. The daytime price is $95/MWh, and the nighttime price is $55/MWh. Details.

👥Kateryna Polyakova took part in the European Energy Security Conference in Warsaw

EUEA’s director Kateryna Polyakova participated at the European Energy Security conference. During the discussion on the EU-Ukraine energy partnership and cooperation, Kateryna emphasized that in the context of russian invasion, renewable energy became critical for energy security in Ukraine and for decentralization of its energy system. Also, she stated that Ukraine possesses strong potential for electricity exports already in the short to mid-term as well as resources and expertise, needed for Ukraine to become a major biomethane supplier to the EU. Details.

👉🏻Security of critical infrastructure and humanitarian mine action

On May 17 in Kyiv, at the Mercure Congress Center, the forum "Critical Infrastructure Security and Humanitarian Mine Action" will gather Ukraine's security professionals to solve the urgent problems of restoring the safety of life, protecting critical infrastructure, industry and energy facilities, and speeding up the process of demining de-occupied territories. Registration.

✔️ EUEA as Infopartner invites to the International Forum “Smart Building” – May 24-25, 2023

The International Smart Building Forum will be held for the sixth time and this year’s theme will be devoted not only to the implementation and development of technologies in cities, but also to the rebuilding of Ukraine’s infrastructure, which suffered significant damage from the war. Every year, the Smart Building Forum brings together the main companies of smart solutions: Smart city, Smart building, Ecology, automation, Internet of things, energy efficiency, Security and Audio/Video technologies. Details.



Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.


Acciona, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK Renewables, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape Ukraine, Fichtner, Goldbeck Solar, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, Green Future, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, NOTUS Energy, Scatec Solar,  Sfera, Sumitomo, SPP Development Ukraine, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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