Latest market news as of March 31, 2023

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Читати українською

✉️ Letter response from NPC "Ukrenergo"

EUEA received the response of NPC "Ukrenergo" to the Association's letter dated March 6, 2023, regarding the current situation and expectations in 2023, regarding settlements with SE "Guaranteed Buyer".

The letter is attached.

👥 EUEA internal meeting with Naida Taso on Guarantees of Origin

On April 3, at 15:00 Kyiv time, an internal meeting for EUEA members will take place. The meeting will be held with the participation of Naida Taso, a leading renewable energy expert of the Energy Community Secretariat, dedicated to the topic of Guarantees of Origin, in particular the discussion of the recently registered draft law in the VRU and its compliance with EU requirements. Registration.

⚡️The Energy Community Secretariat launches the post-mediation process

Om March 27, 2023, the Secretariat launched a process meant to settle the current problems faced by the sector. The post-mediation process focuses on unresolved issues, addresses new challenges occurring after the full-scale war of aggression by russia and intends to help restoring trust among the key actors. In the immediate, the process will focus on the settlement of outstanding debts by the Guaranteed Buyer towards renewable energy producers, revising the formula for imbalance payments to the Guaranteed Buyer and the corporate governance reform of the Guaranteed Buyer. Details.

✔️A round table on the mechanism of Guarantees of Origin took place

Today, March 31, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Energy, Housing and Utilities Services organized a discussion with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Energy, the Energy Community Secretariat, MPs, NEURC, Guaranteed Buyer, Associations and RES producers regarding the introduction of the guarantee of origin of electricity produced from RES, the relevance of the mechanism of issuing guarantees origin for exporters, etc.

Recording of the meeting:

✔️Proposals with changes to legal acts of the CMU and VRU

By April 3, the EUEA team is collecting comments on changes to the regulations of the CMU (Resolution №406 of 2017) and the VRU (Article 9-1 of the Law of Ukraine "On Alternative Energy Sources")to settle the issue of restoration of RES facilities while preserving "feed-in" tariff, including those that were damaged as a result of the armed aggression of russia. The materials were previously sent to your email box on 29.03. 

⚡️Surplus generation in the Ukrainian power system - an opportunity to export electricity to European countries

This was announced by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko at a meeting with the European Commissioner for Energy Affairs Kadri Simson. "This is a mutually beneficial process, as Europe can receive electricity at reasonable prices, and Ukrainian generating companies can earn money, in particular, for the restoration of capacities after the war", - noted Halushchenko. 

👉🏻The EU has expanded the technical possibilities for electricity trade for Ukraine

The technical possibility of importing electricity from the zone of Continental Europe to Ukraine and Moldova has increased from 700 to 850 MW at any time of the day. Such a decision was taken by the operators of the European transmission system ENTSO-E on March 27, after analyzing scenarios of commercial exchanges during import that are safe for the energy systems of Ukraine and the EU informs Ukrenergo. 

🤝The Ministry of Energy and the German Eastern Business Association agreed to support projects for the "green" recovery of the Ukrainian energy sector

During the meeting, the parties signed a memorandum on framework cooperation. The memorandum envisages the exchange of experience between the parties in accelerating the transition to green energy, the implementation of regular joint formats of cooperation on the integration of the energy market of Ukraine with the European one, as well as the support of green recovery within the framework of the joint implementation of pilot projects of energy reconstruction in Ukraine at the expense of German business investments. Details.

✍🏻 Naftogaz and the Energy Community will create an expert group to strengthen energy security

NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine together with the Energy Community Secretariat will create an expert group to develop tools for strengthening Ukrainian energy security. Among the issues that the group will be involved in, in particular, the increase in gas production, EU certification and use of Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities, as well as the implementation of European standards on the Ukrainian gas market. Details.

✔️ The CMU approved the procedure for the introduction of emission control systems by the industry

At the meeting on March 28, the Government approved the procedure for the introduction of mandatory automated pollutant emission control systems by industrial enterprises. The procedure establishes a single mechanism for the introduction of mandatory automated control systems (ACS) of pollutant emissions and the implementation of automated instrumental and laboratory measurements of the parameters of pollutant emissions from organized stationary sources of emissions. Details.

👉🏻The British government has announced that it will include nuclear energy in "green" energy

Britain will allow investors to count nuclear power as a "green" investment, the British government has announced, the Financial Times reports. The British government announced that consultations on green taxonomy will be held for this purpose in autumn. Reporting for companies under this taxonomy will be voluntary for two years, but may then become mandatory. Details.

✔️ The European Parliament and the European Commission have reached a preliminary agreement on the expansion of charging infrastructure for environmentally friendly vehicles

As Euractiv reports, according to the agreement, by 2026 charging stations for electric vehicles will be placed every 60 km on the main EU highways. By 2028, high-capacity chargers for trucks and buses should be installed on at least half of the EU's core network every 120 km, and by 2031, hydrogen refueling stations will be installed at least every 200 km.



Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.


Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK Renewables, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape Ukraine, Fichtner, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, Green Future, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, NOTUS Energy, Scatec Solar,  Sfera, Sumitomo, SPP Development Ukraine, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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