Latest market news as of January 27, 2022

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Читати українською

✅ RES Associations Representatives met with the new management of the Guaranteed Buyer

On Wednesday, January 25, representatives of EUEA, UWEA, UARE, ASEU met and got to know the new head of GB. Together, they discussed current RES sector issues and priorities that require joint work, including debt due to the "green" tariff for 2022 and legal and financial sources of payments, imbalances, implementation of guarantees of origin, and reconstruction of renewable generation.

💬 Green energy: an action plan for 2023

Read about the importance of the rapid implementation of the legislation on guarantees of origin and the finalization of regulatory norms necessary for the effective development of the renewable energy sector in 2023 and the important developments in 2022 in the column of Української Правди by the director of EUEA, Kateryna Polyakova, and in CEEnergy News.

📊In 2022, 12% of the sold electricity on the energy market was produced by SPPs and WPPs

The SE "Market Operator" published data on sold electricity on the "day-ahead" and "intra-day" markets in 2022. According to them, the share of solar electricity was 8.01% of the total amount of the realized resource, while wind generation took 4.18%. The share of hydropower plants exceeded 14%, and biogas and biomass - 1.6%.

👥 On January 21, the import of European electricity grew to almost 7,000 MWh

On January 21, the import of electricity amounted to almost 7 thousand MWh - it is carried out at a capacity of 290-291 MW every hour. This is evidenced by the data on the website of the network of system operators of continental Europe ENTSO-E. Details.

👉🏻The Ministry of Energy has published the directions of Ukraine's energy strategy until 2050

Ukraine's energy strategy provides for the creation of conditions for bringing the energy sector closer to climate neutrality, according to the Ministry's website.

The Ministry of Energy adds that by 2050, the energy sector should be as close as possible to climate neutrality. This will mean the availability of clean energy, overcoming energy poverty, the development of an innovative and decentralized energy system, the full functioning of national energy markets and their integration into international ones. Technical assistance in the development of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050 is provided by the British government.

✔️ The SAEE has developed a register of guarantees of origin of biomethane

The biomethane register developed by the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) is a milestone that opens the horizon of further work for the development of biomethane production and circulation of guarantees of origin. Thanks to this tool, the Agency will be able to register biomethane producers and, in response to their requests, issue guarantees of origin for the volume of biomethane supplied to the gas transportation or gas distribution system. In parallel, the finalization of the IT platform and the software solution for the functioning of the registry will take place.  Details.

📌 The Prime Minister named the three main tasks of the Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine

One of the main tasks of the Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine is to ensure predictable, rhythmic budget support in 2023. The second task of the platform, according to Denys Shmyhal, is to plan and ensure the beginning of the recovery of Ukraine. For this purpose, the Government has identified four priority areas of financing.

«1- energy restoration and compensation of lost generation capacities. We need equipment, help in the decentralization of our energy industry, and the expansion of imports. 2- humanitarian demining. Substitutability stops the development of businesses, limits our agricultural potential, makes it impossible to return. 3 - the restoration of damaged housing. 4 - the restoration of critical and social infrastructure. We must also take into account the needs of the territories that will be deoccupied during 2023," said Denys Shmyhal.

The Prime Minister noted that it is planned to attract resources for recovery from four sources: confiscated russian assets, funds from the state budget, funds from international partners, and donations from private individuals and businesses. At the same time, the main source of recovery should become confiscated russian assets. Джерело. 

👉🏻Ukraine Recovery Conference will take place in London, on June 2023

"The next Ukraine Recovery Conference will be held in London in June this year... We appreciate Great Britain's decision to host the event this year. We strive to mobilize international support for the urgent recovery of Ukraine", - Denys Shmyhal tweeted the results of an online speech at the Davos forum.

The Prime Minister also noted that Ukraine expects that the next conference will make it possible to mobilize international support for the fastest recovery.

💲 The EBRD plans to deliver €3B to Ukraine in 2022-2023

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development has no plans to reduce its investment volume in Ukraine this year. Last year, the bank’s investments amounted to €1.7B, said the bank’s Managing Director of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, Matteo Patrone. He specified that the number of activities might increase, but the bank must remain highly flexible regarding investment directions. Patrone added that the EBRD might focus more on transportation logistics and municipal infrastructure in 2023. To date, the EBRD has deployed €1.7B to support Ukraine’s real economy through investments in vital infrastructure, energy and food security, trade, and support for the private sector. A further €200M was delivered through partner banks. By the end of this year, the EBRD plans to increase its investment in Ukraine to €3B.  Resource.

🇸🇪The Swedish company Svenska Kraftnät plans to transfer materials to restore the energy system to Ukraine

Svenska Kraftnät has identified materials that it could transfer to Ukraine and that would be useful for the country's energy system. Now the government has decided that the material can be transferred.

It is clarified that there are several players in the energy sector in Sweden who are considering the possibility of transferring to Ukraine materials that were previously thrown away during the replacement of equipment but may now be useful for the restoration of the Ukrainian energy system. Details.

⚡️ A new solar power plant in western Ukraine was opened in December

A new solar power plant (SPP) with a capacity of 996 kW has been put into operation in the Kamianka-Buzka community in the Lviv region. The power plant is located on a plot of land with a total area of 6 hectares. It started producing electricity at the end of December 2022. The new solar energy system belongs to the Energoinvest company from Vinnytsia. Over the past nine years, the company has built eight SPPs in the Vinnytsia and Odesa regions with a total capacity of 24.5 MW. Resource.

☀️Welcome a new EUEA member company - SPP Development Ukraine!

The company is a multicompetent professional in all aspects dealing with the Energy (Renewables and Infrastructure) and IT & Telecom areas. They create solid reliable and technologically advanced Projects.

SPP Development Ukraine is a Development and EPC company with a full range of services, including maintenance and operation.

Since the company’s founding in 2019, they have implemented Solar Power Plants with a total capacity of more than 114 MW DC. Their implemented SPP projects were awarded as the best projects in Eastern Europe in 2019 and 2021. Currently, the company is developing innovative projects such as Green Hydrogen Plant, Energy Storage Systems, Data Center, Wind Parks, and Solar Power Plants.

The company is a member of Hydrogen Europe, Energy club, Association of Consulting Engineers of Ukraine FIDIC, Cisolar Ukraine.

SPP Development team aspires to contribute to green energy development and energy security and stability in Ukraine and Europe.   


EUEA Gold Sponsor 2022


EUEA Silver Sponsors 2022


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Команда ЄУЕА
м. Київ, вул. Дорогожицька 3, UNIT City, корпус В9, каб. 5
Тел.: (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.


Acciona, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK Renewables, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape Ukraine, Fichtner, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Scatec Solar, Schneider Electric Ukraine, Sfera, Sumitomo, SPP Development Ukraine, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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