Latest market news as of January 20, 2023

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Читати українською

The Office of the President supports the draft law on the extension of the pre-PPA

RES associations received an official response from the Office of the President of Ukraine regarding the support of the importance, accelerated review and adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the draft law on extending the pre-PPA “green” tariff terms for WPPs, the construction of which was suspended due to the military actions of russia. According to our estimates, this draft law concerns the completion of projects of new wind generation with a total capacity of more than 800 MW.

Details. Full letter.

✔️ The Ministry of Energy published the order "On the approval of the Methodology for determining the damage and losses caused to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine as a result of the armed aggression of russia"

The draft joint order of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine and the State Property Fund of Ukraine was developed with the aim of establishing a mechanism for assessing damage and losses caused to the energy infrastructure of Ukraine as a result of loss, destruction or damage in connection with armed aggression - the explanatory note says.

Adoption of the draft joint order will provide an opportunity to determine and assess real damages and needs for restoration of lost, destroyed and damaged energy infrastructure facilities - the authors add.

Comments and proposals to the draft joint order should be sent to the to the addresses specified in the order.

Methodology of definition by the link.

📌The government created a new structure of the Ministry of Infrastructure called the State Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine

As Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal explained, the agency will optimize work processes and strive to avoid chaos in the planning and implementation of projects. Shmyhal noted that for this year, funds totaling UAH 110B have been sourced for reconstruction. At the same time, he expects the state to accumulate six times this amount to restore infrastructure and housing for Ukrainians as early as this year. Details.

👥Ukraine plans to cooperate with France in the field of RES development

The Ministry of Energy team held a meeting with the French delegation led by the adviser to the President of France on Eastern Europe and Turkey Ms. Isabelle Dumont. The main attention was paid to areas of cooperation in the process of recovery and reconstruction of the Ukrainian energy sector based on the principles of the green transition. The Ministry of Energy is interested in cooperation with the French side in the field of the development of renewable energy sources. Details.

👉🏻The Ministry of Energy of Ukraine approved support requests by 30 energy companies under the Ukraine Energy Support Fund managed by the Energy Community Secretariat for the procurement of essential energy equipment at an estimated value of over EUR 107 million.

The Ministry’s decision triggered the procurement procedure for the requested items, including power transformers, fuels, valves, pumps, pipes, oil transformers, surge arresters, batteries, disconnectors, wires, insulators and circuit breakers.  Details.

👥 NEURC and the Energy Community Secretariat signed a Memorandum of Understanding 

Under a memorandum of understanding signed today, the Energy Community Secretariat and the Ukrainian energy regulator, NEURC, agreed on a procedure defining the roles and responsibilities in cooperating on so-called public service obligations. Public service obligations are state interventions in the energy market and individual companies’ conduct on such markets. In order to be compliant with the Energy Community framework, they need to satisfy certain standards. Energy Community and Ukrainian legislation require that NEURC and the Secretariat cooperate in designing public service obligations.

The memorandum of understanding signed today sets out an efficient cooperation process on draft public service obligations in electricity and gas, aimed at ensuring compliance with Ukraine’s European commitments. It is to be seen in the context of the Secretariat’s increasing and systematizing its monitoring activities of the Ukrainian energy market governance, supporting its further reform and avoiding back-sliding. In this context, the memorandum will reinforce the Secretariat’s efforts to support the future reconstruction and integration process of Ukraine’s energy sector with the rest of Europe. Details.

💲 The Business Development Fund and UKRGASBANK to finance SME investments in energy supply and energy efficiency

UKRGAZBANK will use the loan funds to finance SME investment projects in the field of energy saving and energy supply in conditions of widespread power outages, which will contribute to smooth operations and the preservation of jobs at small business enterprises.

The project is financed with the Government support of the Federal Republic of Germany under the Loan and Grant Agreement for EUR 7.4 million signed between the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, KfW German Development Bank, and the Business Development Fund. Details.

✔️ EU announces its own ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ for renewables and energy storage

The European Union has unveiled its plans for its own Inflation Reduction Act-style support package, the Green Deal Industrial Plan, for clean energy technologies including energy storage. The plan is aimed at helping Europe achieve its increased renewable energy targets under its REPowerEU plans, formulated in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The first pillar of the plan is to create a regulatory environment that allows the fast scale-up of sectors crucial to net zero, including wind, heat pumps, solar, clean hydrogen and “storage”. The other three pillars of the Green Deal Industrial Plan are: boosting investment and financing of clean tech production; developing the skills needed to make the transition happen; facilitating open and fair trade for the benefit of all. Details.

👉🏻CMU appointed an auditor for the Guaranteed Buyer for the period of 2022-2023

The relevant order is published on the website of the Government.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has appointed "Baker Tilly Ukraine" as an auditor for the state enterprise "Guaranteed Buyer" for 2022 and 2023.

🔥 The EUEA General Meeting 2022 took place

On January 19, 2023, the General Meeting of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) 2022 took place, where the Chairman of the EUEA Board - Mats Lundin and the Vice-Chairwomen: Elena Rybak and Alina Sviderska were elected. In general, the EUEA Board 2023 includes:

  1. Yuri Kubrushko, IMEPOWER;
  2. Mats Lundin, EMERGY;
  3. Oleksandr Melnyk, GOLAW;
  4. Dmitry Prinus, Indian Solar;
  5. Elena Rybak, iC consulenten;
  6. Alina Sviderska, Scatec Solar;
  7. Alper Tuncer, EMSOLT;
  8. Adrien Fouchet, GreenFuture Energy.

At the General Meeting, the main priority areas and plans of EUEA activities for 2023 were discussed and approved.

Also, during the Meeting, the EUEA activities in 2022 were summarized. Activity presentation.

The EUEA team is pleased to welcome new members of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) and is grateful to all active EUEA members for their cooperation and support.

👥 Webinar “Climate disclosures and your company. How to be ready”

We invite you to join the Chapter Zero Ukraine & Caucasus webinar on January 26, 2022. Throughout 2022, global regulators have pushed for Greater Climate Disclosure Standards and taken action to enhance and synchronize ESG reporting standards globally.Tuning into this webinar will give you an overview of regulations that come into force and business implications it brings to each sphere of operation as well as recommendations on how companies can start preparing.



EUEA Gold Sponsor 2022


EUEA Silver Sponsors 2022



Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.


Acciona, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK Renewables, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape Ukraine, Fichtner, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Scatec Solar, Schneider Electric Ukraine,  Sfera, Sumitomo, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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