Latest RES market news as of January 13, 2023

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Читати українською

👉🏻Legislative initiatives for December 2022 impacting RES producers

IMEPOWER, the EUEA Energy Advisor, prepared the monitoring: "Legislative initiatives for December 2022 impacting RES producers".

In the review, you will learn about the latest adopted laws and registered draft laws of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, decisions and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, and the NEURC.


✅ January 19, 2023 - EUEA General Meeting 2022 

We remind you that the EUEA General Meeting will be held on January 19, 2023 at 10.00-11.30 EET online in Zoom. 

At the General Meeting, we'll sum up the EUEA activities in 2022, present a plan for the next year and elect a new Board and a new Chair. The draft Agenda is attached to this email. The draft agenda has been sent to you by mail. 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Registration to the General Meeting

👥 Guaranteed Buyer published information about the change of management

On January 4, 2023, Andriy Pylypenko was dismissed from the duties of the Director of the Guaranteed Buyer based on the order of the CMU dated December 27, 2022 №1202. In connection with the dismissal of the ex-leader, the CMU temporarily entrusted Artem Nekrasov with the duties of director of the SE "Guaranteed Buyer" on the basis of the order of the CMU of December 27, 2022, №1203. Details.

✔️ The Minister of Finance believes that the state should not provide support to private energy companies

"It is up to the owner to attract funds to private infrastructure. Given the excess profits of companies in previous periods, given the depreciation of this equipment that was destroyed, I think it is the responsibility of the private owner, despite the fact that it was destroyed by war, to find funds for restoration," said Marchenko in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.

According to the head of the Ministry of Finance, the state can help in creating a common method of attracting funds, but should not provide net support. Details.

☀️Due to high energy prices 2022 has become a defining year for the European solar sector and capacity growth has increased by 47%

According to the SolarPower Europe report, 27 EU member states have installed 41.4 GW of new photovoltaic capacity. This is 47% more than in 2021. With a projected annual growth of 29%, this year will also be a very successful one for solar energy in the EU. Germany leads the way: 7.9 GW of new capacity was installed in 2022, followed by Spain (7.5 GW), Poland (4.9 GW), the Netherlands (4 GW) and France (2.7 GW). In 2023, Germany and Spain will maintain their leadership and cross the threshold of 10 GW of new capacity.

According to the average scenario, the years 2023-2026 will be characterized by further high growth of installed solar generation capacities. The EU's ambitious new plans set out in the REPowerEU plan and the need to reduce the current high electricity prices will see the solar sector reach 53.6 GW in 2023.

SolarPower Europe Report.

🟢 For the first time in this autumn-winter period, the city in the Rivne region switched all heating to RES

Dubno (Rivne region) with a population of almost 40,000 residents switched all heating from natural gas to alternative fuels for the first time in the current autumn-winter period, mayor Vasyl Antonyuk said.

This project cost approximately UAH 25 million. Considering the real cost of natural gas, it will pay for itself in three to four years," he said in a comment to a journalist of the Interfax-Ukraine agency. Implementation of the project will allow to reduce CO2 emissions by an average of 37% against the planned 30%, and for individual boiler houses this indicator reaches, for example, 46% and 48.5%. At the same time, the mayor drew attention to the fact that gas communications were preserved in case of a significant drop in air temperature.

Another significant project for the city is the project of comprehensive thermal modernization of educational institutions in the amount of EUR 1.3 million, of which EUR 700,000 were provided by the European Union, and EUR 600,000 were allocated from the city budget.  Details.

💬The Ministry of Energy expects to increase the import of electricity from Europe - Halushchenko

The Ministry of Energy is counting on an increase in the import of electricity from Europe, which has been taking place since the beginning of the year in small volumes thanks to the decision recently adopted by the government, Minister of Energy Herman Halushchenko said, informs "Interfax-Ukraine". 

Halushchenko noted that small imports have been ongoing since January 1 and the Government has made it possible for enterprises to purchase (electricity). This will accordingly affect supply and their possible supply constraint. Regarding the possible volumes of imports, the minister emphasized that they will depend on the situation with repairs and the entry into operation of the energy system of the blocks in the coming days.

🙌🏻Welcome new EUEA member company - GreenFuture Energy!

The company is a developer and investor mainly in solar energy. Based on an international team of specialists, Greenfuture has an interest in acquiring, developing and constructing high-quality projects.

Active mainly in the Polish market for several years, Greenfuture has developed with international investors a pipeline of more than 1GW of projects.

🔥 2022 in RES Sector: the Year in Review

It was a year of battle for survival: survival of the Ukrainian nation, of the economy, and of the energy sector. Although there were months, when things looked gloomy for RES producers, overall, the year ended acceptably, taking into account the fragile state of the economy. The RES producers finished the year with 51% level of FIT payments, with the debts for imbalances, FIT arrears for current and prior years remaining a key question for the industry. Establishing the timeline for covering these arrears payments as well as staying committed to it will be critical for the further growth of the sector.

The EUEA team has prepared the report «2022 in RES Sector: the Year in Review».

We invite you to look through and learn about the situation in the RES market in 2022, key data of the market, that includes: the state of generation of renewables, the electricity market data, as well as the level of payments under the “feed-in” tariff. The review also includes key legislative changes and events, as well as important reports published in 2022.


👥 Summary of the internal round table on the topic “Data collection on losses and methodology for determining losses of RES electricity producers as a result of russia’s war against Ukraine”

Today, on January 10, the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency together with the Kyiv School of Economics with the participation of representatives of the working group of the Energy Charter Secretariat, NPC Ukrenergo, IMEPOWER and GOLAW held an internal round table on the topic “Data collection on losses and methodology for determining losses of RES electricity producers as a result of russia’s war against Ukraine”.

During the discussion, representatives of the Kyiv School of Economics Vladyslava Grudova and Ihor Piddubnyi presented the Russia will pay project, its methodology and assessment approaches. The purpose of the project is to collect, and analyze data, assess the losses of Ukraine and create a register of damages during the war. In the future, the information will be used to assess damages, record war crimes, recover individual compensations, and receive reparations and compensations from russia, as well as the information will be used as evidence for legal proceedings and lawsuits against the aggressor. According to data, as of November 2022, the total amount of direct losses reached about USD 136 billion. 

The main part of the discussion was Igor’s presentation of the methodology, the results of the damage assessment and the methodology of calculating direct and indirect losses of renewable energy facilities as a result of russian aggression. More details.

📌 RES Damages Data Collection 

The EUEA team had the opportunity to talk with the UNDP team and KSE representative, who are preparing a report on the damage to the energy sector caused by russian aggression. The renewable sector will be a particular focus of this report. The report further will be presented to the Government of Ukraine, the development banks and donor institutions. The estimates from the report can become a basis for obtaining donor funds for the reconstruction of damaged RES facilities. Furthermore, the validated aggregated figures will be a good basis to implement policy changes, such as the possibility to change solar panels without a loss of FIT for instance.

Therefore, we urge you to participate in the collection of information on damaged RES generation facilities caused by russian aggression. Attached, you will find a template.

If possible, please submit your information by January 18th either directly to the KSE team at or to the EUEA team at

In case you have available satellite images or drone pictures, it would be useful to attach them.


EUEA Gold Sponsor 2022


EUEA Silver Sponsors 2022



Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.


Acciona, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK Renewables, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape Ukraine, Fichtner, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Scatec Solar, Schneider Electric Ukraine,  Sfera, Sumitomo, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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