Latest market news as of December 23, 2022

Архів розсилок
Читати українською

📨 NEURC approved tariffs for 2023

The Regulator has approved the tariffs for transmission and dispatch for NPC "Ukrenergo" for 2023.

On December 21, without announcements, NEURC approved the following tariffs for transmission and dispatching.

  1. Tariff for electricity transmission services
  • I quarter — UAH 380.28/MWh;
  • II quarter — UAH 430.25/MWh;
  • III-IV quarters — UAH 485.10/MWh.
  • for "green" electrometallurgy enterprises for 2023 — UAH 209.42/MWh.

which makes the average tariff rate for the year UAH 445.18, in line with the amount presented during the last meeting at NEURC.

  1. Tariff for dispatch management services
  • I quarter — UAH 68.28/MWh;
  • II quarter — UAH 80.87/MWh;
  • III-IV quarters — UAH 95.54/MWh.

📌 8.7% - the share of electricity sales from RES in November

SE "Market Operator" reported, that in November, the volume of electricity sales on the market, which was produced at SPPs of Ukraine in November, amounted to 5.9%, from January to November - 8.3%; at WPPs - 2.8%, from January to November - 4.06%.

The sales volume of electricity produced at nuclear power plants was 31%.

Further, the distribution is as follows: natural gas – 22.9%, hydropower – 11.9%, coal – 9.7%, other fuels – 3.2%, biomass and biogas – 2.5%. Information not specified or not provided - 10.1%.

📌 Since July 2022, there was no temporary withdrawals  from the balancing group by RES producers

Companies did not take advantage of the possibility of temporary exit from the Guaranteed Buyer Balancing Group, which arose from the end of July 2022. This is explained by the fact that the current legislation has not yet been finalized and a number of documents that would regulate the process are missing. At the same time, before the change in legislation, about 40 stations, mainly solar stations, left the Balancing Group. Details. 

⚡️The Ministry of Energy and the Secretariat of the Energy Community signed a Memorandum to coordinate efforts to support the energy sector of Ukraine

The Memorandum provides a basis for strengthening the coordination of efforts, and joint and individual activities of the Ministry of Energy and the Secretariat to support Ukraine in rebuilding the damaged energy infrastructure and ensuring the stable functioning of the energy system. The parties to the Memorandum will take measures to ensure the most efficient, transparent and integrated process of distribution of resources provided to Ukraine among end users. Details.

✍🏻 Georgia becomes first Contracting Party to start using electronic registry for guarantees of origin for renewables developed under Energy Community project

The Georgian State Energy system became the first issuing body to sign an agreement with the service provider on the go-live of the national electronic registry for guarantees of origin for energy from renewable sources in the framework of the Energy Community project. Guarantees of origin allow consumers to choose the origin of their energy and in that way empower them to contribute to the energy transition. They are also key for enabling corporate Power Purchase Agreements. Details.

👥 Finland, Poland, Germany and the Baltic countries agreed on the hydrogen corridor project

Six gas operators from Lithuania, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Germany have signed an agreement on cooperation in the development of hydrogen infrastructure, according to the announcement of the Lithuanian Amber Grid (one of the project participants). The project was named "North-Baltic Hydrogen Corridor".

The corridor will be able to transport "green" hydrogen produced in the Baltic Sea area to supply consumers along the entire corridor, as well as in Central Europe. In addition, as the hydrogen infrastructure around the Baltic Sea is further developed, a powerful hydrogen market could be created.

In addition to Amber Grid, Gasgrid Finland (Finland), Elering (Estonia), Conexus Baltic Grid (Latvia), Gaz-System (Poland) and Ontras (Germany) became parties in the agreement.  Details.

✔️The G7 has mobilized up to $32 billion for Ukraine by 2023 and calls for a financial program with the IMF - statement of the finance ministers

G7 finance ministers on Thursday confirmed a joint approach to coordinated budgetary and economic support for Ukraine next year and announced the mobilization of up to $32 billion and continued efforts for further progress in this direction, calling on Ukraine and the IMF to conclude a financing program as soon as possible. Details.

👉🏻Ukraine has a chance to build a new post-war energy system and attract large investments in electric power industry - GOLAW

Firstly, the reconstruction of the Ukrainian energy system should be based on the industry’s latest technologies, focusing on energy efficiency, perspective, reliability, and sustainability. In addition, Ukraine should develop the legislation in four key areas in particular: carbon-neutral and self-sufficient energy system; renewable energy; building of microgrids and implementation of smart energy systems for decentralization and ensuring stability; long-term energy storage systems.

Among the specific actions to be taken in this direction, we would like to emphasize the following:
01- To create a legislative framework for the functioning of household energy communities following the example of those in the EU – an association of citizens that produces electricity for its own needs; 02 To create a legislative framework for the full functioning of aggregators in Ukraine –individuals or legal entities that unite RES producers, with the aim of further joint sale of the electricity produced by them;03.To ensure the possibility of horizontal trade – direct sale of electricity from the producer to the consumer.

✔️ February 7-9 2023 - Energy Week Black Sea

European-Ukrainian Energy Agency is the event’s official Knowledge Partner. Our members and partners from around the world will benefit from a 15% discount when registering with the code EWBS23_EUEA. Private sector companies from Ukraine will benefit from a 50% discount. And state companies and institutions participate on a free-of-charge basis.


EUEA Gold Sponsor 2022


EUEA Silver Sponsors 2022


З повагою,

Команда ЄУЕА
м. Київ, вул. Дорогожицька 3, UNIT City, корпус В9, каб. 5
Тел.: (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.

Members of EUEA: 

Acciona,Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape, Fichtner, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Scatec Solar, Schneider Electric Ukraine,  Sfera, SumitomoThermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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