Market news 16.12

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📨 Association Appeal regarding the reservation from the military draft of workers in the RES

On December 14, 2022, RES industry associations appealed to the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Minister of Economy of Ukraine with a request to include in the criteria used to determine enterprises, institutions and organizations that are critically important for the functioning of the economy and ensuring the livelihood of the population in a special period, economic entities that carry out activities in the production of electricity, in particular from renewable energy sources. Original letter.

📌 NEURC plans to approve the transmission tariff for Ukrenergo at the level of UAH 445.5/MWh

The updated drafts of the NEURC resolutions, that appeared on the website this week, suggest setting the transmission tariff at UAH 445.4/MWh, the dispatching tariff at UAH 84.91/MWh. The Commission claims that the new level of tariffs will ensure 100% of the calculations before RES in 2023, and that other items of expenditure have fallen under the reduction.

📌The NPC reported an emergency situation

On Friday, the massive missile attack on Ukraine's electricity infrastructure by the russian federation led to the loss of more than 50% of the consumption of the country's unified energy system, reported NPC "Ukrenergo". According to the transmission system code, a loss of more than 50% of the consumption of the IPS of Ukraine determines the onset of a system emergency (blackout). In this regard, the NPC, in accordance with the market rules, announced the occurrence of an emergency situation, starting with the settlement period from 9:00 a.m. on December 16.

9.2. Compensation for work in an emergency situation

9.2.1. In case of an emergency situation, the calculation of fees for imbalance and balancing electricity is carried out in accordance with the average of the prices for unloading and loading for the previous 30 days before the announcement of the emergency situation.

9.2.2. If the emergency situation in the IPS of Ukraine lasts for more than 24 hours, the obligations of market participants and AA regarding responsibility for imbalances and payment of balancing energy, defined by these Rules, cease to be valid for the duration of the emergency situation in the IPS of Ukraine.

AA, after the end of the emergency situation in the IPS of Ukraine, which lasted more than 24 hours, calculates the actual costs incurred by each market participant during the emergency situation in the IPS of Ukraine, in accordance with his actions in accordance with the provisions Transmission System Code and Rules on the safety of electricity supply, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy dated August 27, 2018, №448, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 19, 2018, under №1076/32528, and makes appropriate payments to all market participants to compensate for such costs.

Where AA = account administrator


⚡️Ukraine signed a two-year cooperation program with the International Energy Agency

The joint work program focuses on Ukraine's key short- and long-term energy priorities, with an emphasis on energy security, clean energy transition and the energy sector recovery plan.

According to the program, the IEA will provide support to the Ministry of Energy in the development of the Energy Strategy until 2050. The program outlines areas of cooperation, in particular: security of the energy system; energy saving; RES; low carbon hydrogen; biogas. Details.

✍🏻A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Government of Ukraine and the IFC

The Memorandum concerns the creation and implementation of mechanisms for attracting private investors to the reconstruction of Ukraine's infrastructure. The cooperation will involve assistance in the selection of priority projects for the restoration of Ukraine and the creation of favorable conditions for the attraction of private investments. In particular, we are talking about public-private partnership (PPP) projects in such sectors as transport and logistics, urban and social infrastructure, and energy. Details.

👥The Ministry of Energy and the Finnish company ENERSENSE discussed the possibilities of attracting investments for the modernization of the Ukrainian energy system

The Ministry of Energy noted that, together with partners, it is working on the development of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2050. The creation of a 5-year plan for the recovery of the Ukrainian energy sector after the war is also expected. During the meeting, the parties discussed in detail the investment opportunities of green energy in Ukraine.

ENERSENSE representatives expressed interest in potential cooperation in the field of green energy, as the company specializes in zero-emission energy services and supports the transition to renewable energy sources. Details.

👉🏻Ukraine expects to cover the electricity shortage by importing the resource from Europe and needs a solution to the network of ENTSO-E system operators

"Today, electricity in Europe is available. At the same time, due to russian shelling, there is a deficit in the Ukrainian energy system, which we would like to cover as much as possible at the expense of possible imports," the minister said at the solidarity conference with the Ukrainian people in Paris on Tuesday.

At the same time, he emphasized that the implementation of such a project requires the decision of ENTSO-E to increase the carrying capacity of interstate crossings. In addition, one of the key issues of electricity import is its financing, he added. Details.

✔️ The Energy Community has approved renewable energy targets for 2030

The Energy Community Ministerial Council adopted 2030 targets to reduce primary and final energy consumption, accelerate the uptake of renewables and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 at its meeting in Vienna today under the presidency-in-office of Ukraine. The Ministers agreed to national renewables targets that amount to an overall Energy Community target of 31.0% of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption by 2030. Details.

After the war, Ukraine expects a significant inflow of capital: the Forum on Economic Stability and Reconstruction was held in France

One of the important directions outlined by the President of Ukraine is the development of the economy. As Volodymyr Zelenskyi noted, the agricultural sector, energy, mechanical engineering, defense industry, transport, construction, IT and many other industries with significant growth potential are waiting for investment.

Also, together with Ukraine, France will look for other mechanisms of military risk insurance. The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denys Shmyhal, announced this and called on French businesses to invest in Ukraine, where there are huge opportunities and advantages for entrepreneurs. Details.

At the international conference "Solidarity with the Ukrainian People" in Paris, donor aid in the amount of about $1 billion was announced, of which EUR450 million will go to energy and EUR25 million to water supply, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France, Catherine Colonna, announced. "The aid we announced today reaches EUR 800 million... I am happy to announce that the number will be higher, we are approaching EUR 1 billion. Today, experts will list all the announcements and statements. There is approximately EUR1 billion. I want to note separately that these are new promises thanks to the holding of this conference," Kolonna said at a joint press conference with Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal in Paris.The minister emphasized that these are not loans, but donations and emergency aid from a group of countries so that Ukraine can survive the winter. Details.

👥 EUR 30 million from Germany will be directed to the Energy Support Fund of Ukraine

The Federal Government of Germany announced a contribution of 30 million euros for the purchase of equipment for the restoration of the energy infrastructure of Ukraine damaged by russian shelling as part of the German-Ukrainian Energy Partnership. The corresponding funds will be directed to the Energy Support Fund of Ukraine, created by the Secretariat of the Energy Community. Details.

🔥Summary of the webinar "The overview of the state of energy management systems implementation in the industry"

On December 9, 2022, the EUEA held an expert discussion during which the participants, together with the deputy head of the SAEE, discussed the status of implementation and advantages of the energy management system for the industry of Ukraine; EUEA presented the results of the research within the framework of the project with UNIDO "Industrial Energy Survey: Strengthening Ukraine Industry Energy Security and preparing for Green Recovery interventions".

Webinar recording.


🔥Round table "Results and methodologies for assessing damages and losses in the energy sector as a result of russia's military aggression" - December 19, 2022, in online format using the Zoom platform



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Тел.: (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.

Members of EUEA: 

Acciona,Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CES, DTEK, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape, Fichtner, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, Investment Fund for Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Scatec Solar, Schneider Electric Ukraine,  Sfera, SumitomoThermosystems, TIU Canada, Ukrwindinvestments.

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