Save the date: October 14th, 2022 - European-Ukrainian Energy Day!

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Dear Friends and Partners of EUEA!

We are pleased to announce that the 13th European-Ukrainian Energy Day will be held on October 14, 2022, and will take place in Vienna, Austria.

Organizer: European-Ukrainian Energy Agency with the partnership of Advantage Austria.

The main topic of the 13th European-Ukrainian Energy Day is "New Energy Reality: Ukraine's Post-War Recovery and Energy Sector Outlook".

✅ The aim of the conference is to bring together major international governing agencies, stakeholders, investors and Ukrainian decision-makers to discuss pressing issues affecting Energy Efficiency (EE) and Renewable Energy (RE) in Ukraine.


It will include 5 thematic sessions, covering crucial issues on energy policy in Ukraine, focusing on renewable energy, energy efficiency, power trading, green finance and funding, sustainability and climate actions, and the investment climate.

🔥 Among issues to be discussed: 

✔️ The international policy of sustainability and climate actions; new perspectives for Ukraine in the European Union with its status of EU member candidate; challenges related to the new energy reality.

✔️ New funding mechanisms and the role of IFIs in providing support to Ukraine now and upcoming reconstruction. 

✔️ Safety and stability during active warfare and high grid instability. The Voice of Investors: renewable energy problems and ways to resolve them, payments to RES producers, facilities reconstructions, etc. 

✔️ The latest energy efficiency initiatives, and post-war reconstruction in compliance with the requirements of the highest energy efficiency standards; what shall be done to move towards European energy efficiency standards. 

✔️ Potential for development of power market: energy exports and trading, infrastructure to be implemented, GO certificates implementation.

Please note that some speakers are under confirmation.

👥 The event will be in a hybrid format. Non-EUEA members' offline participation is EUR 200. Online broadcasting will be provided for a non-extra charge.

Videos from Energy Day 2021



European-Ukrainian Energy Day is the major annual showcase conference, bringing together key players from the Ukrainian, European, and international government sectors; local and international industry to present, analyze, and debate the most relevant issues affecting the growth of the EE and RE sectors in Ukraine in the context of the Association Agreement with the EU, Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal.

The European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) is an independent non-profit organization, an industry association, open to all market stakeholders in the energy efficiency and renewable energy of Ukraine, which aim to cooperate constructively with like-minded members. Together we aim to contribute to the gainful and transparent development of these markets in Ukraine, through the promotion of fair and sustainable business practices, raising public awareness of energy issues, and influencing government energy policy. 


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