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✍🏻 NEURC excluded the dispatching restrictions of RES by NPC "Ukrenergo" from the cost of imbalances in August

On September 13, at the NEURC meeting, the decision to amend Resolution №332 of the NEURC dated February 25, 2022 "On ensuring the stable functioning of the electricity market, including the financial condition of participants in the electricity market during the period of martial law in Ukraine" was made. Resolution №332.

✔️Ukrenergo transferred UAH 6 billion to electricity market participants

Over the past two weeks, Ukrenergo transferred a total of UAH 6 billion for the services of Guaranteed Buyer and electricity producers in the balancing market. Payments were made from revenues from auctions for access to cross-border capacity when exporting electricity to Europe. In particular, UAH 3 billion was paid to Guaranteed Buyer for the service of increasing the share of renewable energy sources (RES); another UAH 3 billion – to electricity producers in the balancing market, reports Ukrenergo.

📌The Supreme Court of Ukraine recognized the Guaranteed Buyer's imbalance calculation formula as illegal

On September 8, the Supreme Court of Ukraine satisfied the cassation appeal of UARE regarding the legality of the application of the formula for calculating the imbalances of electricity producers from renewable sources. The change in the formula for calculating imbalances by the Guaranteed Buyer, which entered into force in January 2021, is recognized as illegal.  According to the Court's decision, the calculation of imbalances should be carried out according to the old formula, which does not take into account the errors of the Guaranteed Buyer's trading strategy.

✔️ EU Parliament backs boost for renewables use and energy savings

European Parliament adopted the final position on the revision of the EU Directives on energy efficiency and renewable energy, supporting the increase of goals in the specified areas, namely:

- Share of renewable energy to be raised to 45% by 2030.

- Energy savings targets increased to 40% of final energy consumption, and 42.5% of primary energy consumption.

Revision of two laws will help fight climate change and boost energy security.

💬REN21 together with UNECE published a new report: Renewable Energy Status Report

The report presents the current status of renewable energy in all sectors building upon the previous editions from 2015-2017, and also gives a comprehensive overview of current RE infrastructure, industry, policy, regulations, market development, and investment flows in 17 countries across South East and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia.

⚡️Analytical note on green post-war recovery

An analytical note - "Green post-war recovery of Ukraine: vision and models" was published, which suggests considering two models of green recovery: ambitious and pragmatic. The document was created within the framework of the project "Integration of sustainable development in Ukraine in accordance with the European Green Course", the coordinator of which is "DIXI GROUP" together with other Ukrainian NGOs.



The 13th European-Ukrainian Energy Day will be held on October 14, 2022, in Vienna, Austria. 

The main topic of the 13th European-Ukrainian Energy Day is “New Energy Reality: Ukraine’s Post-War Recovery and Energy Sector Outlook”. The agenda is under confirmation.

We invite EUEA member companies to participate as guests and sponsors of the conference!

For detailed information, contact: kpolyakova@euea-energyagency.org, iryna.pashchuk@euea-energyagency.org.


Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010

mailto: office@euea-energyagency.org   

Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.

Members of EUEA: 

Acciona, Arzinger, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CCT Energy, CES, DTEK, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, Huawei, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, IRUN Engineering, Investment Fund For Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Met Energy, Scatec, Schneider Electric Ukraine, Sfera, Sungrow, West Solar, Terra Solar, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Total Eren, Ukraine Power Resources, Ukrwindinvestments.

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