Latest news as of August 15

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📨 Joint letter regarding the threat of bankruptcy of the RES sector

On August 11, 2022, the leading RES associations in Ukraine: EUEA, UWEA, UARE, ASEU, sent a joint letter to the President of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Minister of Energy of Ukraine and the Chairman of the NEURC regarding the threat of bankruptcy of the most transparent and investment-friendly attractive RES in the energy industry of Ukraine. 

The letter in Ukrainian and English is attached.

📨 Joint letter to the Energy Community Secretariat

On August 11, the EUEA, UWEA, UARE appealed to the Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, Artur Lorkowski, regarding the possibility of the national register of guarantees of origin development and its introduction into the regional system of issuance, transfer, and cancellation of the guarantees of origin.

The letter in Ukrainian and English is attached.

👥 RES representatives meeting with NEURC

Next week (preliminarily on Wednesday) a working meeting (without a protocol) between NEURC and RES representatives regarding problematic issues in the industry will be held

Details will be provided later. Participation is possible online and offline.

To participate, please contact:

📊 Settlements of the Guaranteed Buyer

On August 10, the SE "Guaranteed Buyer" published updated data on settlements with RES producers.

✔️ For 2022: July - 31.6%; June - 24.5%; May - 19%; April -19.2%; March - 20.1%; February - 83.7%; January - 100%.

✔️ The average percentage value of calculations for 2021 is 91%.

✔️ The total percentage of payments for 7 months of the current year is only 44.7%.

✔️ Debt of NPC "Ukrenergo"- UAH 13.4 billion.

Extension of pre-PPA contracts for the period until the end of 2023 for RES projects completion by investors

At its meeting, the VRU Committee on Economic Development supported the amendment to the Draft Law №7605 regarding the extension of the validity period of the current technical conditions (TC) and Pre-PPA until 31.12.2023 for the completion of the started construction projects of WPPs.

In particular, it provides for the extension for 1 calendar year (until 01.12.2023) of the "green tariff" for all renewable energy sources (Pre-PPA contracts and technical conditions), except SPPs.

Consideration of the draft law in the parliament may take place in the second half of August.

💡 Legislative Initiatives concerning the RES sector

EUEA Energy Adviser IMEPOWER prepared the monitoring: "Legislative initiatives for July 15-31, 2022, impacting RES producers".In the review, you will learn about the latest adopted laws and registered draft laws of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, NEURC and the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine's decisions regarding the RES sector.

Read and download.

💡Read detailed post-releases on the speaker's speeches during the EUEA discussion on energy efficiency

Denys Shemyakin: The main goal of the economic block of the Ukraine’s Recovery Plan is rapid economic growth and a new economic structure;

Serhiy Porovskyy: The potential of energy efficiency in industry as one of the driving aspects of economic recovery; 

Vadym Matkovskyy: Increasing the energy efficiency of buildings has been and will remain an essential element of improving Ukraine’s energy security;

Rostyslav Maraikin: The possibility of financing energy-efficient projects.



Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.

Members of EUEA: 

Acciona, Arzinger, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CCT Energy, CES, DTEK, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, Huawei, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, IRUN Engineering, Investment Fund For Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Met Energy, Scatec, Schneider Electric Ukraine, Sfera, Sungrow, West Solar, Terra Solar, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Total Eren, Ukraine Power Resources, Ukrwindinvestments.

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