Weekly RES and EE News as of 08.07

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📌 Guaranteed Buyer Settlements

As of June 27, the level of payments under the "green tariff" for 2022: January - 100%; February - 92.9%; March - 20.1%; April -19.2%; May - 19%; June (20 days) -19.3%. The average level of payments for 2021 is 91.2%. Details.

In 2022, from January to May, 2,238,863 MWh were sold at auctions. As of the beginning of 2022, the installed capacity of producers in the balancing group of the guaranteed buyer was about 8,500 MW, and the volume of investments exceeded USD 12 billion, and now the indicator of installed capacity in the balancing group of the GB has decreased by 24% - to 6,500 MW.

Regarding settlements: the "Guaranteed Buyer" will not pay funds to NNEGC "Energoatom" and "NPC "Ukrenergo" for repayment of debts, and the distribution of funds will be as follows: SPP -18% (previously - 15%); WPP - 18% (previously - 16%); HPP - 35%; biogas - 40%; biomass - 75% (previously - 60%). Details.

Also, on July 8, 2022, a "green" auction will be held on the electronic platform of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange LLC, clean electricity with a supply period of July 13-31, 2022 is offered for sale. Details.

📌 Ukraine Recovery Plan

On July 4, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal presented the Recovery Plan of Ukraine at a conference in Lugano.

The plan is for 10 years and covers 15 fields (850 projects), the implementation of which requires financing of approximately USD 750 billion (details on slide 12), of which:

  • Energy independence and green energy transition –  USD 130 billion;
  • Restoration and modernization of housing and infrastructure of the regions -  USD 150-250 billion.

By 2032, +5% of renewable energy supply is expected, which means an increasing RES capacity by 5-10 GW, and +9% of energy supply from nuclear energy, namely, extending the lifetime and increasing the availability of existing blocks. The plan also provides a vast build-up of RES (up to 30 GW) and integration into the EU`s low-carbon H2 value chain (see slide 30 for details).

Recovery Plan.

Ukraine Recovery Plan: Energy.

More presentations from conferences.

📌Ukraine plans to build 7.1 GW of new green energy capacity

"Our goal is to build 7.1 GW of new capacities of renewable energy sources, switching to market models of stimulating green energy, in particular, "green" auctions. We also plan to install 750 MW of storage capacity at the first stage. This will increase the stability of the energy system," noted Herman Halushchenko.

The development of hydrogen energy can make a significant contribution to the green transformation. "We are considering 10 GW of hydrogen export from Ukraine to the EU, which was outlined by the European Commission as our starting indicator," the minister noted.

📌The European Commission labels gas, and nuclear projects as green for investment

European Union lawmakers voted to allow natural gas and nuclear energy to be labelled as green investments, removing the last major barrier to potentially billions of euros of funding from environmental investors. Some of the Commission's proposals:

  • Gas projects replacing coal and emitting no more than 270 grams of CO2 equivalent per kilowatt-hour can get a temporary green label, or if annual emissions don’t exceed an average of 550 kilograms per kilowatt-hour over 20 years.
  • Such plants would have to obtain construction permits by 2030, and have plans to switch to renewable or low-carbon gases by end-2035.
  • Nuclear is eligible if new plants that are granted construction permits by 2045 avoid significant harm to the environment and water resources.
  • Funds need to enhance disclosures to investors on nuclear and gas holdings under the taxonomy. Details.

EU taxonomy for sustainable activities.

📌Законодавчі ініціативи, що стосується сектору ВДЕ за червень 2022

EUEA Energy Adviser - IMEPOWER, prepared the monitoring: "Legislative initiatives for June 01-30, 2022, impacting RES producers".In the review, you will learn about the latest adopted laws and registered draft laws of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, NEURC and Ministry of Energy of Ukraine decisions, and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine concerning the RES sector. Read and download.

📌Climate Risk Management for Financial Institutions

On June 29, an online discussion on climate risk management by the Green Banking Academy (IFC-GBAC) took place. The importance for financial institutions to establish proper Climate Risk Management (CRM) policies and systems, the challenges for financial institutions in managing climate-related risks and recommendations on how to build a sound CRM system were discussed. Presentation.




Dorogozhytska str., 3, UNIT City, building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010

mailto: office@euea-energyagency.org   

Established in November 2009, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) has grown into an effective advocate for the realization of Ukraine’s massive renewable energy and energy efficiency potential, by working within Ukraine’s business community, government structures, and with other key energy market stakeholders.

Members of EUEA: 

Acciona, Arzinger, Beycelik-Elawan Renewable Energy LLС, CCT Energy, CES, DTEK, EMERGY AS, EMSOLT, Electrum, Elementum Energy, Eurocape, GOLAW, Guris, Green Genius, GrECo Ukraine, GSE&C, Huawei, iC consulenten, IMEPOWER, Indian Solar, IRUN Engineering, Investment Fund For Developing Countries, Irshanska SES, Khmelnytsky Bio Power Plant, Met Energy, Scatec, Schneider Electric Ukraine, Sfera, Sungrow, West Solar, Terra Solar, Thermosystems, TIU Canada, Total Eren, Ukraine Power Resources, Ukrwindinvestments.

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