Invitation to participate in the All-Ukrainian Award “Pacesetters for Energy Management”

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About EUEA
Читати українською

We are pleased to invite enterprises to participate in the “All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management”.

All-Ukrainian Award is being implemented by European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) with the support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The “All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management”, the first of its kind in Ukraine, which recognizes leading organizations for achievements in the implementation of Energy Management System (hereinafter EnMS) and energy efficiency measures.

The All-Ukrainian Award was adapted from the international Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Energy Management Leadership Awards.

The top entries will receive the prestigious Award of Excellence and certificate for energy efficiency services from 7,500 to 15,000 USD and for all participants - free training to improve energy management and energy efficiency in the industry.



The competition is open to companies of various sizes and
forms of ownership located on the territory of Ukraine:

  • Large, medium and small enterprises
  • State, communal and private property
  • Availability of an implemented energy management system.

It is mandatory for large enterprises to have a certified energy management system in accordance with ISO 50001, and for SMEs it is not necessary.


To participate in the Award, enterprises have to submit applications, which will present case studies of the implementation of energy management and/or energy efficiency. The deadline for the submission of applications is March 28, 2022.

Detailed information on the rules of participation and the application form can be found on the official website of the Award.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the EUEA Energy Efficiency Project Coordinator Valentyna Huch-Denysenko via phone +38 099 972 4238 or email:


More information can be found at the online webinars on January 20 and February 3, 2022, at 10:00 -11: 30 online.

Register for the webinar

January 20: webinar “All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management” and the rules of participation”. 
February 3: webinar “Guidelines on how to fill out an application for participation and Q&A session”.



Feel free to disseminate information about the "All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management" Program among your partners and place a banner and information about the Program on your information resources.

EUEA, in turn, will place your logo on the website in the partners section of the "All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management" Program, a banner with all info partners will also be placed on social media channels, related events.

Information on the "All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management" for distribution is given in the annexes to this letter.



Official site of All-Ukrainian Award: Pacesetters for Energy Management, where you can get acquainted with the rules and criteria for participation.

Facebook page with announcements, news and events about the Program.

Link to webinar registration on January 20 and February 3, 2022.

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