How popular is green finance in Ukraine?

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Читати українською

The European-Ukrainian Energy Agency is stepping up its efforts to develop green finance in Ukraine as an integral part of the green transition, reducing CO2 emissions, energy efficiency, increasing the share of renewables, decarbonisation and identifying ways to implement green hydrogen projects.

The European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) is an independent non-profit organization open to all stakeholders in the energy efficiency and renewable energy market of Ukraine, which aim to cooperate constructively with like-minded members. Together we aim to contribute to the gainful and transparent development of these markets in Ukraine, through the promotion of fair and sustainable business practice, raising public awareness of energy issues, and by influencing government energy policy. 

In this regard, the EUEA team conducts research on existing green financial instruments and their share in the financial sector of Ukraine. We invite banks and other financial institutions of Ukraine to participate in the survey.


For information:

The European-Ukrainian Energy Agency is implementing the SMARTER Finance for Families project in Ukraine.

SMARTER Finance for Families — is a project of Horizon 2020 for the implementation of ambitious but practical programs “Green Homes and Mortgage” in 12 European countries, including cooperation and participation of 17 expert organizations of green building, clean energy, research and other organizations.

EUEA recently published its Position about the importance of integration of two state initiatives: “Affordable Mortgage” and “Green Deal”.


           "At the time when Ukraine cannot choose any other way but the "green" transition, we must unite to achieve our goals together. Therefore, we invite Ukrainian and international financial institutions to become members of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency - a recognized industry association of the largest international investors who have invested a total of 3.5 billion euros in renewable energy projects in Ukraine. Let's work together for the development of green funding in Ukraine for ambitious, sustainable and innovative projects in the frame of reliable investment climate, that will help to achieve national goals, as well as European carbon neutrality by 2050", - 

Oleksandra Gumeniuk, Director of EUEA

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