EUEA News Update 17.09.2021

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Dear EUEA members,

With this letter we send you the latest news:

Читати українською

Up-to-date information on the Guaranteed Buyer's calculations with RES electricity producers. As of September 17, 2021, the payment under the "green” tariff is: for January-April - 93%, May - 73%, June - 70%, July - 67%, August (20 days) - 52%, September (10 days) ) - 40%. Details…


Today, September 17, 2021, the Resolution of the NEURC dated 16.09.2021 № 1546On approval of Amendments to the Transmission System Code(concerning the implementation of technical requirements for electrical installations of energy storage systems) entered into force, which amended the Transmission System Code are made. Details…


The Committee on Financial, Tax and Customs Policy has just decided at its meeting to exclude from the Draft Law №5600 the introduction of an excise tax on green energy in the amount of 3.2%.It is hoped that these amendments will not be re-introduced in the Verkhovna Rada during the second reading vote.


EUEA is a partner of a high-level international investment conference Energy Week Black Sea (EWBS), which will take place in a hybrid format: offline in Bucharest, Romania and online on 28-30th September 2021.

Special offers for EUEA companies, 5 free places for online participation, as well as 3 free places for offline participation. Let us know about your interest to Oleksandra Gumeniuk.


All other EUEA member companies can receive a 15% discount when registering for an event with the code EUEA_EWBS2021 (only for new registrations).


We invite you to join the webinar of The Comengagen Center for Energy Efficiency (Comengagen Center) - "The Building Blocks of Residential Green Finance", which will take place on September 30, 2021 at 14:00 CEST (or 15:00 EEST).





On October 13-15, 2021 the 14th EIF International Energy Congress and Expo will be held in Antalya, Turkey with a peartnership of EUEA. The event will be organized by the Global Energy Agency with the support of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey.

If you want to take part in the EUEA delegation, with the coverage of expenses for four people, except the tickets, please inform Oleksandra Gumeniuk by the end of the day (17.09.2021).

More details:


EUEA activity results of the week:

  1. The preparation of the Draft Action Plan for the development of Renewable Energy in Ukraine is underway. EUEA may provide comments and suggestions. Materials on this issue in the previous EUEA correspondence from as of September 16, 2021, 14:00 EEST with the subject of the letter: Preparation of proposals for the NATIONAL RES ACTION PLAN UNTIL 2030// Підготовка пропозицій до НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПЛАНУ з ВДЕ до 2030 року

  2. 09.2021 Results of the meeting with representatives of the German Government at the German Embassy in Ukraine, preparation for the Hydrogen German Business delegation to Ukraine in the end of October and a meeting at the Ministry of Energy on the adequacy of water resources for hydrogen projects is attached. News…

  3. 09.2021 EUEA had the honor to be a partner of the Austria Showcase "Austrian GreenTech for Ukraine", where at the invitation of the Austrian Embassy Oleksandra Gumeniuk spoke on the topic of the RES market overview, voiced the current problems, and addressed the Ambassador of Austria to support key appeals from investors and market participants, including Austrian ones, in communication with the Government of Ukraine. Event details…


EUEA team
Dorogozhytska str. 3, UNIT City,  building B9, office 5, Kyiv, Ukraine, 04112
Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 091 331 0010


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