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Читати українською

Dear EUEA members,

we share with you the latest news: 

  • Up-to-date information on the Guaranteed Buyer's payments to RES manufacturers. As of May 18, 2021, the payment under the "green" tariff for January - 93%, for February - 93%, for March - 93% and for April - 64%. 100% was paid for the first 10 days of May. The average level of payment since the beginning of the year is 86%. Details…

  • The Government of Ukraine has approved the National Environmental Action Plan until 2025 with the aim, in particular, to increase the share of RES to 17% by 2030 and increase the environmental efficiency index by 5 points. The relevant resolution «№443-р» of April 21 was published on the Government website on May 18, 2021. Details...

  • DTEK launches Ukraine's first industrial energy storage system. DTEK Energoholding has launched Ukraine's first 1 MW industrial energy storage system located on the site of Zaporizhzya TPP. The new equipment was presented on May 20 by the company's CEO Maxim Timchenko. Details… 

EUEA news:

  • On May 17, 2021, an internal online / offline meeting of EUEA members took place at the hotel. Representatives of EUEA member companies discussed the current state of the renewable energy market and the energy efficiency sector, as well as raised the issues of debt, balancing capacity, auctions, compensation for curtailments, fines for imbalances, excise duties, etc. EUEA together with other industry associations prepares relevant letters to stakeholders.

  • Legislative initiatives for the period from April 15 to May 10, 2021, affecting the activities of RES producers prepared by the Energy Adviser of EUEA - IMEPOWER

  • We would like to inform you that due to a number of appeals from RES producers on issues of limiting generation and liability for imbalances, it was agreed to send a list of problematic issues that need to be resolved by Friday (May 21, 2021) in the form: https://forms.gle/SkcvQMcCEAixgbbr6

    On Monday-Tuesday (May 24-25) we plan to write a joint letter from the associations on the basis of the received comments and send it to NPC Ukrenergo, the Regulator and other relevant state institutions.



    Oleksandra Gumeniuk,

    Director of EUEA

    Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 

    More on EUEA website:  HOME   MEMBERSHIP   NEWS   ENERGY DAY

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