ENG Draft news

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Читати українською

Dear EUEA members,

we share with you the latest news:

  1. The Guaranteed Buyer continues to pay for electricity from RES. On April 29, the company received UAH 1 billion from PJSC NEC Ukrenergo to repay its debt for 2020, of which 50% will go to RES and the other 50% to Energoatom. It will be recalled, that the level of payment for 2020 is 66%. The level of payment for January, February and March is 93%. Details…

  2. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine amended the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №483 of June 5, 2019 (in the Regulations on Imposition of Special Duties on the Electricity Market), according to which the Guaranteed Buyer will be excluded from electricity supply to the population, NNEGC "Energoatom" and PJSС "Ukrhydroenergo " must ensure the supply of electricity in the trading areas of the UES of Ukraine and the Island of Burshtyn HPP, respectively. According to Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, "this means that Ukrenergo will no longer pay the deficit of Guaranteed Buyer, which is related to the preferential tariff for the population, and will focus on that part of the deficit related to RES". Details…

  3. NPC Ukrenergo has published audited financial report for 2020. Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Management Board of NPC “Ukrenergo”, spoke about the results of NPC Ukrenergo's activities at the video conference.

           The key messages of Volodymyr Kudrytskyi:

  • Investments: the budget of investment plans for 2021 is UAH 4.33 billion.

  • Debts: as of the beginning of 2021, Ukrenergo had a total debt of UAH 45.9 billion, of which UAH 31.1 billion was to the Guaranteed Buyer and UAH 14.8 billion to the Balancing market. However, already now, in April, the debt was reduced by almost UAH 16 billion due to the loans and improved payment discipline. But to repay all the debt, we still need to attract external financing through "green" bonds or international financial institutions.

  • Energy storages: today we need at least 500 MW of storages, Ukrenergo is favorable to stimulate investors, but now everyone is waiting for a law and a solution to the problem of current debts, so it is impractical to provide support through the transition tariff. The payback of such projects through the market of Ancillary services market, which amounts to UAH 9 billion per year, may be taken into consideration.

  • Compensations: from January 1, 2021 there is a new procedure for compensation of RES for disconnection. It stipulates that payments are made only to those producers who are connected to the Ukrenergo restriction management system. It already contains more than 3,000 MW of installed capacity. If the capacity available in the restriction management system is not enough, the manager resorts to operational security commands outside this system. And these commands will not be paid for those facilities that are not joined.

           The results of the conference are attached.
           Presentation: https://bit.ly/3gKrtVv
           Video: https://youtu.be/hOYw9ud5LKM


EUEA news:

  1. EUEA together with industry associations sent a letter to the Chairman of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine on possible changes in the Tax Code of Ukraine on the introduction of excise tax on the sale of electricity produced from renewable energy sources. Details…

  2. An interesting expert article on EU guarantees of origin, experience and practice, which is currently being discussed and can be implemented in Ukraine.

           Part 1: https://cutt.ly/IbjfT55
Part 2: https://cutt.ly/BbjfIv9

           Author: Kristian Takac, Sfera

  1. Please comment / support / object on the letter to the NEURC prepared by EUEA members. The content of the appeal is a request to the NEURC to take into account the proposals of Ukrenergo, which are at this link: https://cutt.ly/hbjvDUB regarding the amendments to the Transmission System Code to resolve the issue of functioning of accumulation systems. Deadline for your feedback is 11.00 am on 05.05.2021. Draft letter in attached.



Oleksandra Gumeniuk,

Director of EUEA

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 


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