Dear EUEA members,
we share with you the latest news:
1. New payments at the "green" tariff: 100% advance payment was paid for April. On April 15, 2021, the SC "Guaranteed Buyer" made an advance payment to electricity producers at the "green" tariff for 10 days of current month for a total of 1.7 billion UAH. It will be recalled that the payment for January is 93%, for February is 90%, and for March - 87%. Details...
2. On April 14, 2021, Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law 363364-1-d, which will allow certifying Ukrenergo as an European-style TSO according to the ISO model (Independent System Operator). This bill is a very important step towards the integration of Ukraine's IPS to ENTSO-E. Full integration of Ukrainian electricity networks into Europe is planned for 2023. Details…
3. The Cabinet of Ministers will once again instruct the Ministry of Energy to find ways to resolve the situation with RES payments. "We will make more instructions, hold relevant meetings. We are already paying a lot of attention to this issue, and we will be even more", - Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal said during the meeting of Cabinet on April 14. It will be recalled, that as of April 2 the level of payment of Guaranteed Buyer for 2020 at the "green" tariff is 63%, and the full amount of debt for the last year is 18 billion UAH. Details…
4. On April 13, 2020, the meeting of Yuriy Vitrenko Acting Minister of Energy of Ukraine with Matti Maasikas Head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine was held. The parties discussed the following topics: coal sector reform, green hydrogen development, synchronization with ENTSO-E, development of renewable energy sector. Details…
EUEA news:
1. Letter of EUEA to Tarasyuk V. the Chairman of NEURC. On April 14, 2020, EUEA sent a letter with proposals and comments to the draft resolution of the NEURC «On approval of the Methodology for setting marginal prices on the day-ahead market, intraday market and balancing market and amendments to some regulations of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission».
Read the letter…