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Читати українською

Dear EUEA members,

we share with you the latest news:

1. The level of current payments of the SC "Guaranteed Buyer" in 2021: January 93%, February 90%, March 87%. In general, for the first quarter of 2021 current payments amounted to 18 billion UAH to producers of electricity from RES. Details...

2. April 15, 2021 - the deadline for payment for imbalances for March 2021. The calculation algorithm does not take into account the impact of capacity constraints on generating units and the results of trading activities of the Guaranteed Buyer. Details…

3. The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Financial Plan of the SC "Guaranteed Buyer" for 2021 from April 7, 2021 with a net profit at the end of the year of 6 million UAH. There is currently no original document with calculations and planned payments in open resources. Details…

4. Ukrenergo invites for public discussion of the draft "Transmission System Development Plan for 2022-2031". Representatives of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, NEURC, Distribution System Operators, energy generating companies and other participants in the electricity market and industry experts are invited to participate. Details…

5. NEURC postponed again the adoption of the draft resolution "On approval of the cost of the service to increase the share of electricity production from alternative energy sources provided by SC" Guaranteed Buyer "in January 2021", which creates significant risks for the lack of current payments for "green" tariff, namely - payment for January and February of the current year. Details…

6. The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine said "Ukraine intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 65% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels under the NDC2 (National determined contribution) project". Mainly the reduction of emissions should happen due to the growth of RES generation by 30%, the reduction of the share of heat generation to 13%, the growth of the share of electric vehicles to 15%, as well as the development of low-carbon public transport. Details…

7. Debts in energy as a snowball that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. According to the Ministry of Energy, the debt of the population for energy resources is about 69 billion UAH as of January 2021; in the electricity market, the total debt is about 60 billion UAH (of which 27 billion UAH is the debt of the wholesale electricity market, which was accumulated by mid-2019).Details… 

8. Yuriy Vitrenko: "Rumors of complaints from the Government, the President's Office, international partners about the work of the Ministry of Energy under my chairmanship are manipulative… I still continue to work as  Minister of Energy." Official comment regarding the information about application for dismissal of Yuri Vitrenko from the position of Acting Minister of Energy, which appeared in media last week. Details…


EUEA news:

1. Overview of legislative initiatives affecting RES:

The Energy Adviser of the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency - IMEPOWER has prepared "Legislative initiatives for the period of March 15-31, 2021, affecting the activities of RES producers". Details…

2. Letters, that EUEA sent:

April 05, a letter to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Chairman of the NEURC, Acting Minister of Energy of Ukraine on failure to take measures to resolve the situation with payment discipline between the SE "Guaranteed Buyer" and PJSC "NPC" Ukrenergo " for January-February 2021.

April 09, a letter to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Public Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance, Mr. Radutsky M.B regarding the protection of employees and citizens of Ukraine from the harmful effects of asbestos.

April 09, a letter to the Minister of Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, Mr. Petrashko on a special duty on imports of wire and other cable products to Ukraine.

April 09, EUEA issued a position statement on the import of cable and wire products to Ukraine.

3. We have prepared Renewable Energy of Ukraine: Monthly Monitoring. Read...



Oleksandra Gumeniuk,

Director of EUEA

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 


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