News update 05.04 and 12th Energy Day preparation

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Dear EUEA members,

we share with you the latest news:

1. Current payments to electricity producers from RES. As of April 1, 2021, the Guaranteed Buyer has paid for 87% of the electricity from RES for March. It will be recalled, that as of April 1, 2021, the payment for  February is 90%, and for January  93%. Details…

2. Repayment of the old debt for 2020. On March 31, UAH 1.5 billion was paid at the "green" tariff. Thus, a total of UAH 4.625 billion was paid from UAH 22.4 billion. (It is about 21%, but according to the obligations under the Memorandum it should be 55% by the end of March 2021). Details…

3. On April 1, 2021, the NEURC approved the agreements on measures to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under the debt repayment agreements. From now, NEURC will be obliged to cover the costs of repaying the liabilities of NPC“UKRENERGO” provided for in the loan agreements at the expense of the electricity transmission tariff of NPC “UKRENERGO”. Details…

4. Compensation for restrictionsCompensation for electricity from renewable sources (RES) not provided as a result of the dispatching restriction can be paid as a load reduction service only to those producers who have joined the public contract for load reduction and are connected to the RES Restriction Management System. Details…

5. On April 8, 2021, at 10.00 am NEC “Ukrenergo” will hold a webinar for RES electricity producers entitled “Management of RES Restrictions. How to exercise the right to compensation for unsold electricity. " Registration is available until 13:00 on April 7, 2021, by the Google form at this link.  Agenda and details…


EUEA news:

12th European-Ukrainian Energy Day, June 10, 2021. We have actively started the preparation of our event, and we invite you to get acquainted with the concept, thematic sessions, sponsorship package and benefits for EUEA members. Download the concept...

Send your proposals to Oleksandra Gumeniuk on the agenda, which will be approved by the EUEA Organizing Committee in the near future. 


Oleksandra Gumeniuk,

Director of EUEA

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 


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