News update 26.03

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Читати українською

Dear EUEA members,

we share with you the latest news:

1. As of March 26, 2021, Guaranteed Buyer has made 100% payment for electricity generated from RES for the 20 days of March. It will be recalled that as of March 16, 2021, the payment for February is 66%, and for January - 93%. Details…

2. The electricity tariff for the population remains at the level of UAH 1.68 per kWh. By the initiative of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, the Government extended the mechanism of public service obligation (PSO) for household consumers on the electricity market for one month. Details…

3. Acting Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yuriy Vitrenko took part in the 4th German-Ukrainian Economic Forum. The key messages of Minister regarding "green" transition of Ukraine:

  • For Ukraine “EU Green Deal” is the sustainable development and transformation of the entire economy, the creation of new jobs and the introduction of new energy innovations;

  • The transition is not just about energy. It is about the transformation of the whole country and transition towards "green" economy;

  • Green hydrogen can be used to store and transport renewable energy. Details…

EUEA news:

1. On March 22, 2021, the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) and the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association (UWEA) sent a letter to Acting Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yuriy Vitrenko regarding violation the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, and the willingness to cooperate with the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine to prepare an action plan aimed to stabilize the financial condition of the energy sector and the sustainable operation of electricity producers from renewable sources. The letter is attached.

(Please keep it confidential, do not disseminate).

2. On March 23, 2021, the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) and the Ukrainian Wind Energy Association (UWEA) sent a letter to the Energy Community Secretariat addressed to Dirk Buschle to hold a joint meeting / consultation with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to discuss the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding and stabilization of the PSO mechanism. The letter is attached.

(Please keep it confidential, do not disseminate).

3. Legislative initiatives for the period of March 1-15, 2021, affecting the activities of RES producers prepared by IMEPOWER. Read

4. On March 25, 2021, the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA) organized and held a webinar on "Solar PV Waste Management in Ukraine" with the participation of Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine Yuriy Boyko, EUEA members - Scatec Ukraine, Voltage Group, Arzinger and solar PV recycling companies from Italy and France.

Post release, webinar record, presentations of speakers

5. Today, on March 26, there was a meeting of EUEA with Dirk Buschle, Chairman of the Energy Community Secretariat's Dispute Resolution and Negotiation Centre (EnCS), and with other associations: UARE and UWEA, regarding the letter, which we sent on Tuesday. As the conclusion, EnCS would prepare a letter, that will be addressed to Premier Minister, Chairman of NEURC, and Acting Minister of Energy of Ukraine. This will be a meeting request to discuss implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding and will also include discussion of wider agenda (CO2 tax increase, market improvements, etc.) to make renewable PSO sustainable.



Oleksandra Gumeniuk,

Director of EUEA

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 


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