Invitation: March, 25 “Solar PV Waste Management in Ukraine”

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Читати українською

EUEA is pleased to invite you to the webinar

Solar PV Waste Management in Ukraine

Date: 25th of March, 2021       Time: 11:00-12:30 EET


Languages: English/Ukrainian.

Organized by European-Ukrainian Energy Agency



         The development of solar energy has passed a long way since the middle of the 20th century to become one of the most demanded sources of clean energy. In particular, every year the world adds about 100 GW of new solar capacities. According to the IEA (International Energy Agency), by the end of 2020, it is accounted for 720GW of solar capacity in the world. Ukraine is no exception, so since 2015, the share of solar generation has increased 7.5 times –  6094 MW of installed capacity at the end of 2020.

    However, with the solar market growth, the volume of the decommissioned photovoltaic panels will be also increasing. According to the joint research of IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) and IEA “End-of-life management: Solar Photovoltaic Panels”, 1.7 million tons of solar photovoltaic waste is expected in 2030, and by 2050 it will be more than 60 million tons, and the amount of solar PV waste will exceed the amount of installed capacity.

      At times when the role of solar energy in the global energy mix is quite clear – it is necessary for the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and in general, for the global “green” transition – the future of ended photovoltaic panels is quite uncertain. On the one hand, this challenge can open opportunities for cost-effective recycling solutions, create new jobs and promote the development of a circular economy, otherwise, the waste of the solar industry may add to the global waste problem in the world, which can worsen the already difficult environmental situation.

Questions to be answered during the EUEA webinar:

  • What are the current global trends of solar PV panels recycling and how is it happening in Ukraine?
  • How to avoid creation of a gray market for solar panel recycling?
  • What business model of electronic waste recycling can be suitable for Ukraine and its advantages?


  • Oleksandra Gumeniuk, Director of European-Ukrainian Energy Agency

    Welcoming speech, moderation

  • Dmytro  Nechyporenko,  Board  Member  of  EUEA,  Business Development Director of Voltage Group
  • Relevance of the topic “Solar PV Waste Management”, new type of business for EPC to be prepared for
  • Alina Sviderska, General Manager of Scatec
  • Advantages of implementation solar PV waste management policy in Ukraine

  • Francescantonio Della Rosa, Managing Director of La Mia Energia
  • PV recycling solutions - global issues and needs

  • Antoine Chalaux, Commercial Director of ROSI
  • Recycling of PV modules: market, legal and technical perspectives

  • Iaroslav Cheker, Adviser, Head of Energy and Natural Resources Practice o fLaw Firm Arzinger

  • Legislative regulation of solar PV panels disposal in Ukraine. Overview of e-waste disposal requirements in the EU and other countries

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