ENG draft

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Dear members of the EUEA,

we share with you the latest news:

1. SС "Guaranteed Buyer" has published up-to-date information on payments of the "green" tariff. As of March 16, 2021 the level of RES payment for January - 93%, for February - 66%, and for March (10 days) - 100%. There is no information about the repayment of the old debt at the moment. Details

2. NNEGC “Energoatom” sued SC “Guaranteed Buyer for UAH 6.8 billion. According to NNEG Energoatom, on March 11, the Commercial Court of Kyiv upheld his lawsuit against the Guaranteed Buyer. The guaranteed buyer is already appealing the decision of the Commercial Court. Details 

 EUEA news:

1. On March 16, 2021, a meeting of EUEA members was held, where the current situation in the RES market was overviewed, and monitoring of the implementation of the Memorandum and current initiatives was presented. According to the discussion of EUEA members, it was decided to send a letter to the Secretariat of the Energy Community informing about the violation of the signed Memorandum. The letter is currently being finalized and will be sent by both associations: EUEA and UVEA.

2. Today, on March 19, 2021, EUEA webinar on "Quality – Health – Safety – Environment at Wind Farm Construction" was held, initiated by member company IRUN Ingeneering and with the participation of EuroCape New Energy Ukraine.

The record of the webinar, presentation and agenda you can find here.

PS: EUEA always welcomes the initiatives of EUEA members to hold joint events on important topics for the development of renewable energy, energy efficiency and green hydrogen.

3. Net Energy Metering (NEM). We kindly request EUEA members by March 25, 2021, submit proposals to the SAEE regarding the NEM. It will be recalled that EUEA participates in the Working group of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency "For the legislative regulation of electricity generation from renewable sources by consumers for their own needs (NEM)."

Materials for processing and providing feedback:

NEM Consolidated Provisions

Cover Letter

NEM Protocol

4. On March 22, 2021, at 15.00-17.00 USAID online roundtable on "Emerging Storage Approaches" will be held.


Details of the event:


 Emerging Storage Approaches (UA)

Presentation (ENG)

 5. On March 24-26, Huawei «Industrial Digital Transformation Conference» will be held. Details…


On March 25, 2021, EUEA plans to hold a webinar on "Solar PV Waste Management"

The event will be attended by the following companies: Voltage Group (Ukraine), Scatec (Norway), La Mia Energia (Italy), ROSI (France), Arzinger (Ukraine).

Registration and Agenda


Oleksandra Gumeniuk

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 


© Copyright, 2021, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency • Kyiv, Volodymyrska Street 61-B, 2-nd floor

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