EUEA news update 12/03

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Читати українською

Dear members of the EUEA,

we share with you the latest news:

On March 10, 2021 NEURC left the tariff for the transmission of NPC Ukrenergo at the current level, namely 293.93 MWh. It will be recalled, that the reason for raising the tariff for NPC “Ukrenergo” in 2021 was the inclusion of additional 1.495 billion UAH expenditures to pay interest on 10.25 billion UAH in loans to state banks (Oschadbank, Ukrgasbank and Ukreximbank) involved by the transmission system operator (TSO) for settlements with SC "Guaranteed Buyer". Video of the meeting.

 EUEA news:

On March 10, 2021, EUEA hold a webinar with representatives of PLUGPOWER and NEL Hydrogen within the framework of EUEA Hydrogen Working Group.

Contacts of speakers: ,

 Vebinar record:
 Access Passcode to watch: n2%Y1Snt

 Presentation of PLUGPOWER
 Presentatiob of NEL Hydrogen


Letter to President. On March 10, 2021, EUEA together with other leading energy associations of Ukraine sent a joint letter to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky with a request to fully ensure the implementation of the provisions under Memorandum without any delays. It will be recalled that the debt to producers of electricity from renewable sources at the end of 2020 was about UAH 22.4 billion. Details…


On March 16, 2021, at 15:00 an internal meeting of EUEA members will be held.


RES market news/updates. Payments.

Discussion of further EUEA actions.

FIT payments and alternative sources for it (EUEA analytical note presentation)



EUEA plans to hold a webinar on “Safety During the Windfarm Construction” on March 19/26 (date to be determined), 2021. Invited guests: IRUN Engineering, OWLAQ - GWO, Eurocape. Details…



On March 25, 2021, EUEA plans to hold a webinar on "Solar PV Waste Wanagement". The event will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine and the Ministry of Energy, solar panel manufacturers, companies specializing in the processing of solar panels, as well as representatives from the legal sphere. Details…


Oleksandra Gumeniuk

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 


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