News update 05.03

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Українська версія

Dear EUEA members, 

Renewable energy

On the 2nd of March, 2021, there was an open discussion of the NEURC on increasing the TSO tariff for the NPC Ukrenerego, where EUEA presented a position on the need to include 20% of the whole sum, which NEURC excluded, with reference to the possibility of compensation of FIT from the State budget. Another position on taking into account in the calculations of TSO tariff of compensation for limiting the RES production, which took place in the period from November 2019 to the end of 2020. Unfortunately, the NEURC rejected the proposals. A meeting on the adoption of the Resolution on raising the tariff to the amount of UAH 300.60/MWh excluded VAT is scheduled for the 10th of March. According to the results of calculations performed by NPC UKRENERGO, the tariff for electricity transmission services for 2021 from 01.04.2021 should be UAH 414.66 / MWh. Deatils...

State Agency of Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving (SAEE) conducts work on the following issues, in which EUEA participates:

  • Implementing a mechanism that regulates the production of RES electricity for own consumption (Net Energy Metering) without FIT support. On the 4th of March 2021 was held the second working meeting, where SAEE presented their concept and developments. EUEA was invited to join, a summary of the meeting with comments from participants is attached (in Ukrainian).
  • Regarding the implementation of the system of guarantees of energy origin in Ukraine in accordance with Directive 2009/28/EU. The next meeting of the working group will take place in March.

EUEA Energy Advisor – IMEPOWER has prepared the overview of legislative initiatives for 16-28 February 2021 impacting RES producers. Details...

Energy storage system. 

According to the results of the last meeting of the Ministry of Energy on balancing capacity, Y. Vitrenko expressed support for the mechanism of preserving the status of "green energy" produced from RES and was accumulated by the relevant equipment. There was an initiative among EUEA members to develop a financial model for the energy storage system, where the green energy status will be stored after accumulation, and when releasing it to the network to retain the right to FIT. According to Irshanskaya SES LLC and Tesla Energo information,  NEURC is ready to consider proposals from market players to improve conditions for the installation of energy storage systems at renewable energy facilities in order to resolve imbalances, they also asked for a financial model for the installation of an energy storage system.

If you would like to join the EUEA sub-working group on Improving the conditions for the installation of energy  storage systems at renewable energy facilities in order to resolve imbalances, let us know in the registration form.

On the 5th of March, EUEA signed a Memorandum about Partnership and Cooperation with members of the Inter-Factional Deputy Association "Clean Energy - Healthy Environment», which included representatives of all political forces of the Parliament of Ukraine. Details...

Energy efficiency

On the 4th of March, 2021, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the draft law "On Energy Efficiency" as a basis. It is expected that this document will be an important European integration step for the country. because the steps set out in it help to implement in Ukraine the European approaches provided by the Directives of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU 2012/27/EU about energy efficiency. Details...
The text of the draft here.

Green Hydrogen

On the 3rd of February, the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency has held a webinar together with the California project Ways2H as part of a series of webinars on green hydrogen.  Together with Ways2H, we discussed the most interesting issues, namely: what is the possible price of the final product (hydrogen) per kilogram, as well as peculiarities, benefits and opportunities for the implementation of similar projects in Ukraine.

The summary of the meeting is attached. The presentation is here.

 Strategic documents

On the 3rd of March, 2021 The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the National Economic Strategy until 2030. The strategy identifies strategic steps for the development of various sectors of the country, in particular, in the field of energy, the document focuses on the "green" course. Details... 

Upcoming EUEA meetings

On the 10th of March from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. will be held an online meeting with companies  PLUGPOWER and NEL Hydrogen. The meeting will be held in the form of a webinar for EUEA members to explore the business cases of real hydrogen projects. Registration. 

On the 11th of March at 10-11:30 a.m. will be held an online meeting of EUEA members on the state of the RES sector, further actions and suggestions. In particular, the presentation of a review of international experience in attracting sources of funding for RES and the exchange of views on this issue. (EUEA analytical note on international experience sent to EUEA members by email dated March 4, 2021). Registration.


Oleksandra Gumeniuk

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 



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