
Архив рассылок

Читати українською

Dear members of EUEA,

we share with you the latest news of the week in this letter

    1. In 2021, the NEURC intends to increase SC “Geuaranteed Guyer” costs by almost 1.5 times for RES generation lawsuits. The energy regulator plans to approve SC "Guaranteed Buyer" an additional 2.7 million UAH for litigation services, which is 45% more than the costs planned in the current budget. Details… However, at the last meeting of the NEURC on February 24, it was decided to move consideration of this issue. Results of the meeting.
    2. The draft resolution on amendments to the resolution of the NEURC dated 09.12.2020 № 2353 regarding the revision of the tariff for electricity transmission services of NPC “Ukrenergo” is published. An open discussion will take place remotely on March 2, 2021 at 10:00. Details…
    3. As of February 23, 2021, all producers of electricity at the "green" tariff, which are part of the balancing group of the Guaranteed Buyer, have paid a reimbursement share of the cost settling the imbalance of electricity of the Guaranteed Buyer. None of producers is excluded from the Balancing Group of the Guaranteed Buyer. Details…
    4. As of February 25, 2021, the current payments of the SC "Guaranteed Buyer" to producers of electricity from RES are 5% in January and 54% in February. Details…
    5. On February 25, 2021, a meeting of the sectoral working group was held, chaired by Acting Minister of Energy Yuriy Vitrenko, who discussed the prospects of energy in the context of the strategy of economic development of Ukraine until 2030. In particular, the key directions for development of the energy sector of Ukraine were noted, namely:Energy security and integration of Ukraine into European markets.
    • "Smart", modernized and reliable power system as a guarantee of stable electricity supply to consumers.
    • Efficient and competitive markets in the industry.
    • Energy efficiency of the energy sector and the economy in general, the environmental friendliness of energy.



    EUEA news:

    On March 3,at 16:00, EUEA will hold a webinar with the American company Ways2H, which is specialized on the conversion of waste into renewable hydrogen.



    We are preparing for an internal EUEA online meeting on "Sources of RES funding, other than the transmission fee." EUEA is preparing a review of international practice. We invite EUEA members to exchange views on this issue as well. We will send the review to everyone, as soon as it is ready. The details of the meeting will be announced later.




Olexandra Gumeniuk

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 

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