Energy update to EUEA members

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Читати українською

Dear members of EUEA,

we share with you the latest news of the week in this latter

  1. NPC Ukrenergo is considering the possibility of issuing green bonds or loans from IFIs for UAH 15 billion to pay off Guaranteed Buyer’s debts. Currently, Ukrenergo is negotiating with the Ministry of Finance on the choice of source of credit funds for debt repayment. It was announced on February 15 during the All-Ukrainian Forum "Ukraine 30" by the Chairman of the Board of NEC "Ukrenergo" Volodymyr Kudrytsky. Rеad more…

  2. According to Janez Kopac, Director of the Energy Community (EU) Secretariat, and Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, Chairman of the Board of NPC Ukrenergo, the integration of the Ukrainian energy system with ENTSO-E will be possible in 2023. Rеad more…

  3. NEURK approved an increasing of the tariff for electricity transmission from NPC Ukrenergo by 7.5% to UAH 316.08 / MWh from April 1, 2021. The reason for this was the inclusion into structure of Ukrenergo the additional costs in the amount of UAH 1.495 billion to pay interest on UAH 10.25 billion of loans from state banks, attracted by the transmission system operator from SC "Guaranteed Buyer". Rеad more…
  4. The state of current settlements of the SC "Guaranteed Buyer" with producers of electricity with RES as of February 18, 2021 is 67.5% in January and 11% in February. Rеad more… The balance of the old debt is UAH 3.13 billion out of the total debt of UAH 22.4 billion (14%).
  1. On February 19, 2021 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine supported in the first reading the draft law №3364-1-d on the certification of the transmission system operator, which will allow synchronizing the operation of the power system of Ukraine with the power systems of European countries. It will be reminded, that on February 11, 2021, the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the implementation of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement, by which the European Parliament fully supported Ukraine's integration into the European Continental Energy Network (ENTSO-E). Read more…

  2. In order to stop the uncontrolled subsidization of the "green" generation, the Antitrust League has prepared an appeal to the Anti-Monopoly Committee on illegal state aid and invites all whose rights are being violated to sign it. Read more…

News of EUEA:

  1. Record of the webinar "Compensation of imbalances by RES producers and the analysis of the imbalances value in case of withdrawal from the balancing group of the Guaranteed Buyer":
    Presentations of speakers:

  2. On February 18, 2021, EUEA took part in a private meeting with Yuriy Vitrenko acting Minister of Energy, in order to establish a dialogue and define a common vision for solving urgent problems in renewable energy and sustainable long-term development. There was an open dialogue and exchange of views, and then fruitful work. Read more…

  3. EUEA members initiate a letter to the Ministry of Energy regarding the need to develop a state mechanism to support the development of the balancing capacity sector, and that market incentives alone are not enough for the Ukrainian business climate. The draft letter and the results of the meeting in the Ministry of Energy on balancing capacity can be found in the annex.

  4. EUEA Hydrogen Working Group has sent a letter with comments and amendments on the development of the hydrogen economy in Ukraine. If you want to join the EUEA Hydrogen WG, write about it, and your mail will be added to a private hydrogen newsletter.


We remind you that on February 23 at 14:00 there will be a webinar on the business case of green hydrogen "Masshylia" with Total Eren within the framework of the EUEA Hydrogen Working Group.

Speaker: Louis Caillard, Vice President B2B, TOTAL EREN.



EUEA is planning a series of online meetings on the topic of green hydrogen with other international companies. Details and  link to the announcement you can find on the banner.




Olexandra Gumeniuk

Mobile (WhatsApp): +38 095 607 78 57 

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